51The oil pump is also energized during the time the oil is be-ing heated (for 30 seconds at the end of every 30 minutes).The oil pump will not operate if the EVAPORATOR PRES-SURE is less than –5 psig (–34.5 kPa).Oil Cooler — The oil must be cooled when the compres-sor is running. This is accomplished through a small, plate-typeheat exchanger (also called the oil cooler) located behind theoil pump. The heat exchanger uses liquid condenser refrigerantas the cooling liquid. Refrigerant thermostatic expansionvalves (TXVs) regulate refrigerant flow to control the oil tem-perature entering the bearings. The bulbs for the expansionvalves are strapped to the oil supply line leaving the heatexchanger, and the valves are set to maintain 110 F (43 C).NOTE: The TXVs are not adjustable. The oil sump temperaturemay be at a lower temperature during compressor operation.Remote Start/Stop Controls — A remote device, suchas a timeclock that uses a set of contacts, may be used to startand stop the chiller. However, the device should not be pro-grammed to start and stop the chiller in excess of 2 or 3 timesevery 12 hours. If more than 8 starts in 12 hours (the STARTSIN 12 HOURS parameter on the MAINSTAT screen) occur,(not counting either recycle restarts or auto. restarts after powerfailure) an excessive starts alarm displays, preventing thechiller from starting. The operator must press thesoftkey on the ICVC to override the starts counter and start thechiller. If the chiller records 12 starts (excluding recycle starts)in a sliding 12-hour period, it can be restarted only by pressingthe softkey followed by the or soft-key. This ensures that, if the automatic system is malfunction-ing, the chiller will not repeatedly cycle on and off. If theAUTO RESTART OPTION in the SETUP3 screen and the RE-MOTE CONTACTS OPTION are enabled, the REMOTECONTACTS must be closed in order for the chiller to restartfollowing a power failure. If the automatic restart after a powerfailure option (AUTO RESTART OPTION on the SETUP3screen) is not activated when a power failure occurs, and if theremote contact is closed, the chiller will indicate an alarm be-cause of the loss of voltage.The contacts for remote start are wired into terminals 23 and24 of the low voltage terminal strip in the VFD enclosure. Seethe certified drawings for further details on contact ratings. Thecontacts must have 24 vac dry contact rating.Spare Safety and Spare Temperature Inputs —Normally closed (NC) discrete inputs for additional field-supplied safeties may be wired to the spare protective limitsinput channel in place of the factory-installed jumper onterminals 19 and 20 of the low voltage terminal strip. Theopening of any contact will result in a safety shutdown and adisplay on the ICVC. Refer to the certified drawings for safetycontact ratings.Extra analog temperature sensors may also be added to theCCM module (SPARE TEMPERATURE #1 and SPARETEMPERATURE #2) at terminals J4 25-26 and J4 27-28,respectively. The analog temperature sensors may be config-ured in the EQUIPMENT SERVICE/SETUP1 table to causean alert (Enable value 1 or 2) or alarm (Enable value 3 or 4),or neither (Enable value 0). An alarm will shut down a runningchiller, but an alert will not. The fault condition will betriggered when crossing a high limit (Enable value 2 or 4) orlow limit (Enable value 1 or 3), configurable between –40 F to245 F (–40 C to 118 C). The spare temperature sensors arereadable on the CCN network. They also have specific usesas common temperature sensors in a Lead/Lag system. Seepage 55.Alarm (Trip) Output Contacts — One set of alarmcontacts is provided in the VFD. The contact ratings areprovided in the certified drawings. The contacts are located onterminals 9 and 10 of the TB2 field wiring terminal strip in theVFD enclosure.Table 7 — Capacity Overrides TableRESETRESET LOCAL CCNOVERRIDECONDITIONFIRST STAGE SET POINT SECOND STAGE SET POINT OVERRIDE TERMINATIONVIEW/MODIFYON ICVCSCREENOVERRIDEDEFAULT VALUE CONFIGURABLERANGE VALUE VALUEHigh Condenser Pressure(COND PRESS OVERRIDE) SETUP1CONDENSERPRESSURE>125 psig (862 kPa)90 to 165 psig(621 to 1138 kPa)CONDENSER PRESSURE> COND PRESS OVERRIDE+ 2.4 psig (16.5 kPA)CONDENSER PRESSURE< CONDENSER PRESSOVERRIDE – 1 PSI (6.9 kPa)High Motor Temperature(COMP MOTOR TEMPOVERRIDE)SETUP1COMP MOTORWINDING TEMP> 200 F (93 C)150 to 200 F(66 to 93 C)COMP MOTOR WINDING TEMP> COMP MOTOR TEMP OVER-RIDE + 10 F (5.6 C)COMPR MOTOR WINDINGTEMP < COMP MOTOR TEMPOVERRIDE – 2 F (1.1 C)Low Evaporator Temperature(REFRIG OVERRIDEDELTA T)SETUP1EVAPORATORREFRIG TEMP< EVAP REFRIGTRIPPOINT + 3 F(1.7 C)2 to 5 F(1.1 to 2.8 C)EVAPORATOR REFRIG TEMP< EVAP REF OVERRIDE TEMP- 1 F (.6 C)NOTE: EVAP REF OVERRIDETEMP = EVAP REFRIG TRIP-POINT + REFRIG OVERRIDEDELTA TEVAP REFRIG TEMP> EVAP REF OVERRIDE TEMP+ 2 F (1.1 C)High Compressor Lift (SurgePrevention)(Tsmin, IGVmin, Tsmax,IGVmax, Shapefac)OPTIONSTsmain: 45 ^FIGVmin: 5%Tsmax: 70 ^FIGVmax: 100%shapefac: -0.040 to 150 ^F0 to 110%0 to 150 ^F0 to 110%-1 to 0None ActiveTsat < SurgeLine Tsat +Deadband SettingManual Guide Vane Target(TARGET GUIDE VANE POS) COMPRESSAutomatic0 to 100%None Press RELEASE softkey afterselecting TARGET GUIDE VANEPOSManual Speed Control(TARGET VFD SPEED) COMPRESSAutomaticVFD MINIMUMSPEED to 100%Forced TARGET VFD SPEEDcannot override either acapacity inhibit or a capacitydecrease command generated bythe PIC IIIPress RELEASE softkey afterselecting TARGET VFD SPEEDMotor Load(ACTIVE DEMAND LIMIT) MAINSTAT Automatic 40 to 100% ACTIVE DEMAND LIMIT> Set Point + 5%ACTIVE DEMAND LIMIT< Set Point – 2%Low Discharge Superheat OVERRIDEACTUAL SUPER-HEAT < SUPER-HEAT REQUIRED forconditionsNoneACTUAL SUPERHEAT< SUPERHEAT REQUIRED– 1.25 F (0.7 C)ACTUAL SUPERHEAT> SUPERHEAT REQUIRED+ 1 F (0.56 C)High Rectifier Temperature(RECTIFIER TEMPOVERRIDE)SETUP1RECTIFIERTEMPERATURE >160 F (71 C)155 to 170 F(68 to 77 C)RECTIFIER TEMP> RECTIFIER TEMP OVERRIDE+ 10 F (5.6 C)RECTIFIER TEMP< RECTIFIER TEMP OVERRIDE– 5 F (2.8 C)High Inverter Temperature(INVERTER TEMPOVERRIDE)SETUP1INVERTERTEMPERATURE >160 F (71 C)155 to 170 F(68 to 77 C)INVERTER TEMP> INVERTER TEMP OVERRIDE+ 10 F (5.6 C)INVERTER TEMP< INVERTER TEMP OVERRIDE– 5 F (2.8 C)