98Table 16 — Alarm and Alert Messages (cont)F. NORMAL RUNG. NORMAL RUN WITH OVERRIDES*[LIMIT] is shown on the ICVC as the temperature, pressure, voltage, etc., set point predefined or selected by the operator as an override, alert, oralarm condition. [VALUE] is the actual pressure, temperature, voltage, etc., at which the control tripped.PRIMARY MESSAGE SECONDARY MESSAGE CAUSE/REMEDYRUNNING — RESET ACTIVE BY 4-20 mA SIGNAL Auto chilled water reset active based on external input.RUNNING — RESET ACTIVE REMOTE TEMP SENSOR Auto chilled water reset active based on external input.RUNNING — RESET ACTIVE CHW TEMP DIFFERENCE Auto chilled water reset active based on CHW Delta T inTEMP_CTL screen.RUNNING — TEMP CONTROL LEAVING CHILLED WATER Default method of temperature control.RUNNING — TEMP CONTROL ENTERING CHILLED WATER Entering Chilled Water control enabled in TEMP_CTL screen.RUNNING — TEMP CONTROL TEMPERATURE RAMP LOADING Ramp Loading in effect. Use RAMP_DEM screen to modify.RUNNING — DEMAND LIMITED BY DEMAND RAMP LOADING Ramp Loading in effect. Use RAMP_DEM screen to modify.RUNNING — DEMAND LIMITED BY LOCAL DEMAND SETPOINT Demand limit set point is less than actual demand.RUNNING — DEMAND LIMITED BY 4-20 mA SIGNAL Demand limit is active based on external auto demand limit option.RUNNING — DEMAND LIMITED BY CCN SIGNAL Demand limit is active based on control limit signal from CCN.RUNNING — DEMAND LIMITED BY LOADSHED/REDLINE Demand limit is active based on LOADSHED screen set-up.RUNNING — TEMP CONTROL HOT GAS BYPASS Hot gas bypass valve is energized (open). See Surge preventiondescription.RUNNING — DEMAND LIMITED BY LOCAL SIGNAL Active demand limit manually overridden on MAINSTAT table.RUNNING — TEMP CONTROL ICE BUILD MODE Chiller is running under Ice Build temperature control.RUNNING — DEMAND LIMITED MOTOR LOAD CURRENT Chiller has reached 100% of Load Current Rating during normaloperation.RUNNING — DEMAND LIMITED VFD LINE CURRENT Chiller has reached 100% of Line Current Rating during normaloperation.RUNNING — TEMP CONTROL IN VFD RAMPDOWN Post-start-up, speed reducing, and guide vanes opening to reachnormal operating state.ICVCFAULTSTATEPRIMARYMESSAGESECONDARYMESSAGE PRIMARY CAUSE ADDITIONAL CAUSE/REMEDY120 RUN CAPACITYLIMITEDHIGH CONDENSERPRESSURE120Condenser Pressure[VALUE] exceeded limit of[LIMIT]*.Check condenser water pump operation.Check for high condenser water temperatures orlow flow rate. Verify that isolation valves are open.Check Cond Press Override setting in SETUP1.121 RUN CAPACITYLIMITEDHIGH MOTORTEMPERATURE121Comp Motor WindingTemp [VALUE] exceededlimit of [LIMIT]*.Check for closed valves or restriction in motor cool-ing lines.Check for closed refrigerant isolation valves.Check Comp Motor Temp Override setting in SET-UP1.122 RUN CAPACITYLIMITEDLOW EVAP REFRIGTEMP 122Evaporator RefrigTemp [VALUE] exceededlimit of [LIMIT]*.Check refrigerant charge.Check that optional cooler liquid line isolation valveis fully open.Check for excessive condenser flow or low chilledwater flow.Check for low entering cooler temperature.Check that condenser inlet and outlet waternozzles are piped correctly.Check for waterbox division plate gasket bypass.123 RUN CAPACITYLIMITEDHIGH COMPRES-SOR LIFT123Surge PreventionOverride: Lift Too High ForCompressorCheck for high condenser water temperature or lowsuction temperature.Check for high Evaporator or Condenserapproaches.Check surge prevention parameters in OPTIONSscreen.124 RUN CAPACITYLIMITEDMANUAL GUIDEVANETARGET124Run Capacity Limited:Manual Guide Vane Target. Target Guide Vane Position has been forced in theCOMPRESS screen. Select and RELEASE force toreturn to normal (automatic) operation.125 RUN CAPACITYLIMITED LOW DISCHARGESUPERHEAT No Alert message. Check for oil loss or excess refrigerant charge. Ver-ify that the valves in the oil reclaim lines are open.126 RUN CAPACITYLIMITEDHIGH RECTIFIERTEMP126Rectifier Temperature[VALUE] exceeded limit of[LIMIT]*.Check Rectifier Temp Override in SETUP1 screen.Check that VFD refrigerant isolation valves areopen.Check VFD refrigerant cooling solenoid.Check for proper VFD cooling fan operation andblockage.127 RUN CAPACITYLIMITEDMANUAL SPEEDCONTROLNo Alert message. Chiller is not in automatic temperature control.128 RUN CAPACITYLIMITEDHIGH INVERTERTEMP128Inverter Temperature[VALUE] exceeded limit of[LIMIT]*.Check Inverter Temp Override in SETUP1 screen.Check that VFD refrigerant isolation valves areopen.Check VFD refrigerant cooling solenoid.Check for proper VFD cooling fan operation andblockage.