116DRIVE STATUS INDICATOR — The DRIVE status indi-cator is on the right side of the Gateway. See Table 19.Table 19 — DRIVE Status IndicatorMS STATUS INDICATOR — The MS status indicator is thesecond LED from the right of the Gateway. See Table 20.Table 20 — MS Status Indicator: State DefinitionsNET A STATUS INDICATOR — The NET A status indica-tor is the third LED from the right of the Gateway. SeeTable 21.Table 21 — NET A Status Indicator:State DefinitionsNET B STATUS INDICATOR — The NETB status indica-tor is the left LED on the Gateway. See Table 22.Table 22 — NET B Status Indicator:State DefinitionsEnd of Life and Equipment Disposal — Thisequipment has an average design life span of 25 years and isconstructed primarily of steel and copper. Content of controlpanels includes but is not limited to common electrical compo-nents such as fuses, starters, circuit breakers, wire, and printedcircuit boards.Prior to retiring of equipment it will be necessary to removeall fluids such as water, refrigerant, and oil using the current in-dustry guidelines for recovery and disposal.STATE CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTIONOFFThe Gateway is notpowered or is not con-nected properly to thedrive.• Securely connect theGateway to the drive usingthe DPI ribbon cable.• Apply power to the drive.FLASHINGREDThe Gateway is notreceiving a ping mes-sage from the drive.• Verify that cables aresecurely connected.• Cycle power to the drive.SOLIDREDThe drive has refusedan I/O connectionfrom the Gateway.IMPORTANT: Cycle powerafter making the followingcorrection:• Verify that all DPI cableson the drive are securelyconnected and not dam-aged. Replace cables ifnecessary.ORANGEThe Gateway is con-nected to a productthat does not supportRockwell AutomationDPI communications.• Check wires leading to theA32 terminal block.• Check that A32 terminalblock is fully engaged.FLASHINGGREENThe Gateway isestablishing an I/Oconnection to thedrive or theI/O has been dis-abled.Normal behavior.SOLIDGREENThe Gateway is prop-erly connected and iscommunicating withthe drive.No action required.DPI RIBBONCABLE CONNECTORA32TERMINAL BLOCKNODE ADDRESSTENS DIGIT = 0(DO NOTCHANGE)DATARATE = PGM(DO NOTCHANGE)NODE ADDRESSONES DIGIT = 1(DO NOT CHANGE)NOTE: If all status indicators are off, the Gateway is not receivingpower.Fig. 58 — Gateway Status LEDsNUMBER STATUSINDICATOR DESCRIPTION1 DRIVE DPI Connection Status2 MS Module Status3 NET A Serial Communication Status4 NET B Serial Communication Traffic Statusa23-1618STATE CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTIONOFFThe Gateway is notpowered.• Securely connect theGateway to the drive usingthe ribbon cable.• Apply power to the drive.FLASHINGREDRecoverable FaultConditionCycle power to the drive. Ifcycling power does not cor-rect the problem, the firm-ware may need to be flashedinto the module.SOLIDREDThe module has failedthe hardware test.• Cycle power to the drive• Replace the GatewayFLASHINGGREENThe Gateway is opera-tional. No I/O data isbeing transferred.Normal behavior during SIOconfiguration initializationprocess.SOLIDGREENThe Gateway is opera-tional and transferringI/O data.No action required.STATE CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTIONOFFThe module is notpowered or is notproperly connected tothe network.First incoming net-work command not yetrecognized.• Securely connect theGateway ribbon cable tothe drive DPI board.• Attach the RS485 cable inGateway to the connector.• Apply power to the drive.FLASHINGREDNetwork has timedout.Cycle power to the drive.SOLIDREDThe Gateway hasdetected an error thathas made it incapableof communication onthe network.Check node address anddata rate switch positions onthe front of the Gateway.Cycle power to the drive.FLASHINGGREENOnline to network, butnot producing or con-suming I/O informa-tion.No action required. The LEDwill turn solid green whencommunication resumes.SOLIDGREENThe module is properlyconnected and com-municating on the net-work.No action required.STATE CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTIONOFFGateway not receivingdata over the network. • Check wires leading toA32 terminal block.• Check that A32 terminalblock is fully engaged.SOLID ORBLINKINGGREENGateway is transmit-ting data. No action required.