60If the module number is not valid, the “COMMUNICA-TION FAILURE” message will show and a new addressnumber must be entered or the wiring checked. If the module iscommunicating properly, the “UPLOAD IN PROGRESS”message will flash and the new module can now be viewed.Whenever there is a question regarding which module onthe ICVC is currently being shown, check the device namedescriptor on the upper left hand corner of the ICVC screen.See Fig. 30.When the CCN device has been viewed, the ATTACH TONETWORK DEVICE table should be used to attach to the PICthat is on the chiller. Move to the ATTACH TO NETWORKDEVICE table (LOCAL should be highlighted) and press thesoftkey to upload the LOCAL device. The ICVCfor the 19XRV will be uploaded and default screen will display.NOTE: The ICVC will not automatically reattach to the localmodule on the chiller. Press the softkey to attach tothe LOCAL device and view the chiller operation.Service Operation — An overview of the tables andscreens available for the SERVICE function is shown inFig. 21.TO ACCESS THE SERVICE SCREENS — When theSERVICE screens are accessed, a password must be entered.1. From the main MENU screen, press thesoftkey. The softkeys now correspond to the numerals 1,2, 3, 4.2. Press the four digits of the password, one at a time. An as-terisk (*) appears as each digit is entered.NOTE: The initial factory-set password is 1-1-1-1. If thepassword is incorrect, an error message is displayed.If this occurs, return to Step 1 and try to access theSERVICE screens again. If the password is correct, thesoftkey labels change to:NOTE: The SERVICE screen password can be changed byentering the ICVC CONFIGURATION screen under SER-VICE menu. The password is located at the bottom of themenu.The ICVC screen displays the following list of availableSERVICE screens:• Alarm History• Alert History• Control Test• Control Algorithm Status• Equipment Configuration• VFD Config Data• Equipment Service• Time and Date• Attach to Network Device• Log Out of Device• ICVC ConfigurationSee Fig. 21 for additional screens and tables available fromthe SERVICE screens listed above. Use the softkey toreturn to the main MENU screen.NOTE: To prevent unauthorized persons from accessing theICVC service screens, the ICVC automatically signs off andpassword-protects itself if a key has not been pressed for15 minutes. The sequence is as follows. Fifteen minutes afterthe last key is pressed, the default screen displays, the ICVCscreen light goes out (analogous to a screen saver), and theICVC logs out of the password-protected SERVICE menu.Other screen and menus, such as the STATUS screen can beaccessed without the password by pressing the appropriatesoftkey.TO LOG OUT OF NETWORK DEVICE — To access thisscreen and log out of a network device, from the default ICVCscreen, press the and softkeys. Enter thepassword and, from the SERVICE menu, highlight LOG OUTOF NETWORK DEVICE and press the softkey.The ICVC default screen will now be displayed.TIME BROADCAST ENABLE — The first displayed line,“Time Broadcast Enable,” in the SERVICE/EQUIPMENTCONFIGURATION/BRODEF screen, is used to designate thelocal chiller as the sole time broadcaster on a CCN network(there may only be one). If there is no CCN network presentand/or there is no designated time broadcaster on the network,current time and date, Daylight Saving Time (DST), and holi-days as configured in the local chiller’s control will be applied.If a network is present and one time broadcaster on the networkhas been enabled, current time and date, DST, and holidayschedules as configured in the controls of the designated timebroadcaster will be applied to all CCN devices (includingchillers) on the network.HOLIDAY SCHEDULING (FIG. 31) — Up to 18 differentholidays can be defined for special schedule consideration.There are two different screens to be configured.First, in the SERVICE/EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION/HOLIDAYS screen, select the first unused holiday entry(HOLDY01S, for example). As shown in Fig. 26, enter a num-ber for Start Month (1 = January, 2 = February, …, 12 = Decem-ber), a number for Start Day (1 - 31), and Duration in days (0 -99). By default there are no holidays set up. Second, in the occu-pancy Schedule tables, specify and enable (by setting “X” underthe “H” column) run time period(s) which will apply to all holi-days. (Refer to Fig. 23.) A run time period which is enabled forholidays may be applied to one or more non-holiday days of theweek as well. This may be done for the local (table OC-CPC01S), Ice Build (OCCPC02S), and/or CCN (OCCPC03S)schedule(s). If the chiller is on a CCN network, the active holi-day definition will be that configured in the device designated atATTACHATTACHFig. 30 — Example of Attach to NetworkDevice Screena19-1743SERVICEEXITMENU SERVICESELECT