62-61753-21 5-12CONFIGURATION SELECTIONS DESCRIPTIONRANGE 1 (or 2) MAXIMUMTEMPERATURE-30°C to 32°C(-22°F TO 89.6°F)in 0.1°F or °C in-crementsSelect the highest temperature desired for this range.MINIMUM SETPOINT -30°C to 30°C(-22°C TO 89.6°F)in 0.1°C or C in-crementsIndicates to the controller the desired minimum allow-able set point.MAXIMUM SETPOINT -30°C to 32°C(-22°F TO 89.6°F)in 0.1°F or °C in-crementsIndicates to the controller the desired maximum al-lowable set point.NO AC POWER ALARM &SHUTDOWNSWITCH TO EN-GINEALARM & SHUTDOWN = If standby power is lost unitis to shut downSWITCH TO ENGINE = If standby power is lost die-sel engine will be started.S/S PARAMETERS SEPARATETOGETHERTOGETHER = When the Minimum Run Time, Mini-mum Off Time, Maximum Off Time, and OverrideTemperatures are set in the Functional ParameterList, the same values will be used for both Frozenand Perishable setpoints.SEPARATE = When the Minimum Run Time, Mini-mum Off Time, Maximum Off Time, and OverrideTemperatures are set in the Functional ParameterList, different values may be entered for Perishableand Frozen setpoints.REMOTE TEMP SENSOR 1(or 2 or 3)ON / OFF ON = A remote sensor has been added to the unit,and connected into the wire harness at Remote TempSensor (1 or 2) plug.OFF = There is no Remote Sensor (1or 2) in this unit.DOOR SWITCH SWITCH NOTINSTALLEDDOOR OPENSWITCH OPENDOOR OPENSWITCH CLOSEDSWITCH NOT INSTALLED = There is no door switch.DOOR OPEN SWITCH OPEN = A Door Switch hasbeen installed. The switch contacts will be OPENwhenever the door is OPEN.DOOR OPEN SWITCH CLOSED = A Door Switchhas been installed. The switch contacts will beCLOSED whenever the door is OPEN. DOOR SWITCH UNITSHUTDOWNALARM ONLYUNIT SHUTDOWNLOW ENGINESPEEDDATA RECORDERONLYALARM ONLY = When Door Switch indicates that thedoor is open, a warning alarm will be displayed in theMessageCenter.UNIT SHUTDOWN = When Door Switch indicatesthat the door is open, a warning alarm will be dis-played in the MessageCenter, and the unit will shut-down.LOW ENGINE SPEED = When Door Switch indicatesthat the door is open, the engine will be forced to lowspeed.DATA RECORDER ONLY = The Data Recorder willrecord every time the door is opened or closed. Therewill be no alarms or messages displayed in the Mes-sageCenter.