62-61753-21 4-44 The battery is fully charged - Amperage.The microprocessor will calculate the average currentdraw over a 20 second period. Once this averagedrops below the selected value, shutdown will be al-lowed. The CURRENT FOR START/STOP SHUTOFFis selected in the microprocessor Configurations. Thevalue may be set from 1 to 10 amps in 0.5 amp inter-vals. The factory default setting is 5 amps.5 The refrigerated compartment temperature is atsetpoint.Shutdown will be allowed when the active probe tem-perature is within ±0.3°C (±0.5°F) of set point, in thePerishable Range. In the Frozen Range, shutdown willbe allowed when the active probe temperature is with-in ±0.3°C - the FROZEN SHUT DOWN OFFSET(±0.5°F- the FROZEN SHUT DOWN OFFSET) of setpoint.The FROZEN SHUT DOWN OFFSET Functional Pa-rameter may be set from 0°C (0°F) to 2°C (3.6°F) in0.5°(C or F) increments. The factory default setting is0°C (32°F).4.3.3 Re-Start ParametersWhile the unit is in Start-Stop Off, restart will be initiat-ed when one of the following conditions occurs:1 Engine coolant temperature drops below se-lected microprocessor Configuration value.If in Engine Operation, the microprocessor will monitorcoolant temperature. If coolant temperature dropsbelow the ENGINE TEMPERATURE FOR RESTARTConfiguration value the engine will be started. TheConfiguration value may be set from -12.2°C (10°F) to0°C (32°F) in 0.5°(C or F) increments. The factorydefault setting is 0°C (32°F).2 Battery voltage falls below selected micropro-cessor Configuration value.The microprocessor will monitor battery voltage. Ifbattery voltage is at or below the VOLTAGE FORSTART/STOP RESTART Configuration value the en-gine will be started. The value may be set from 12.0 to12.8 volts. The factory default setting is 12.2 volts.TIPWhile the unit is running, the status of the unitbattery can be readily checked by reading theBattery Voltage in the Data List. If "OK." ap-pears after the voltage reading, battery voltageis sufficient to allow the unit to cycle off.3 Refrigerated compartment Temperature hasexceeded the microprocessor Functional Pa-rameter value.The microprocessor continually monitors the refriger-ated compartment temperature. If the temperatureshould drift outside the OVERRIDE TEMPERATUREFunctional Parameter value the unit will be restarted.The value may be set from 2°C (3.6°F) to 10°C (18°F)in 0.5° increments. The factory default setting is 6°C(11°F).4 The Maximum Off Time has expired.In some ambient conditions, there are times when theunit may be off for very long periods of time. To ensurethat the entire load stays within required temperatureranges, the MAXIMUM OFF TIME Functional Parame-ter may be used to force the unit to restart. The pa-rameter value may be set to OFF or from 10 to225 minutes in 1 minute intervals. The factory defaultsetting is OFF.5 The minimum off time has expiredThe MINIMUM OFF TIME Functional Parameter set-ting allows the unit to remain off for extended periodsof time, maximizing fuel/power economy. The unit maynot be restarted until the MINIMUM OFF TIME hasexpired and one of the other Re-Start parameters iscalling for re-start. The parameter value may be setfrom 10 to 90 minutes in 1 minute intervals. The facto-ry default setting is 20 minutes.4.4 CONTINUOUS OPERATIONIn Continuous Operation, the unit will not shut downexcept in response to a shut down alarm. ContinuousOperation is normally used for fresh produce and othersensitive product loads. The Start-Stop/Continuouskey is pressed to switch between Continuous andStart-Stop operating modes. The corresponding LEDwill be illuminated.NOTEThe microprocessor may be locked so that theunit will always operate in Start-Stop or inContinuous whenever the setpoint is within aspecific range. Refer to Range Lock (Section4.6.2) and ProductShield (Section 4.6.3) foradditional information.4.5 TEMPERATURE CONTROL4.5.1 Temperature DeterminationThe microprocessor monitors the temperature read-ings from the supply and return temperature sensorsto determine the mode of operation required to main-tain refrigerated compartment temperature in accord-ance with the Setpoint.Based on the sensor readings and time, the micropro-cessor will calculate a Controlling Temperature value.This value is calculated to provide smoother tempera-ture control and transition between the modes of oper-ation. The modes of operation include Pulldown, Cool,Heat and Null.4.5.2 Heat/Cool/Null Mode Switching LogicOperation in Cool, Heat and Null modes is determinedin accordance with the calculated Controlling Temper-ature value (CT) and the difference between this valueand Setpoint (SP) in accordance with the following: