62-61753-21 7-68AlarmNO. Steps ALARM / CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTION130 CHECK ENGINE RPM SENSOR (ENRPM) TRIGGER-ON: Engine mode only. This alarm does not activate in standby.In Auto Start, after the 2nd or 3rd start attempt the Engine Oil Pressure switch is closed (oil pressuregood) and engine speed sensed at less than 1000 rpmNOTE: This alarm can only be triggered during the engine starting sequence and during the20 seconds immediately following. UNIT CONTROL: Alarm Only and engine will be considered running. RESET CONDITION: Auto Reset in Auto Start when engine speed is greater than 1,000 rpm or alarmmay be manually reset via keypad or by turning the unit off, then back on again.NOTE: Follow the steps below until a problem is found. Once a repair or correction has been made, the activealarm should clear itself (refer to reset condition above). Operate the unit through the appropriate modes to see ifany active alarm occurs. Continue with the steps below as necessary.1 Check Alarm Lista. Check for Alarm 41. When both Alarm 41 and Alarm 130 are activated, thisis an indication the engine may have run out of fuel.2 Check Sensora. Check sensor and wiring. Refer to Section 8.4.123 Check Circuits With Another Sensora. Substitute known good sensor andclear alarm. Start unit and run for30 seconds.b. Check to see if alarm re-occurs. Alarm should not come on. (Install new sensor if nec-essary)