62-61753-21 6-2MessageCenter MESSAGESMessage DescriptionCARD REMOVED, DATA NOT COPIED The PC Card was removed before all data was copied onto the card.CARD REMOVED, REINSERT CARD The PC Card was removed from the card slot before the operationwas completed. Reinsert the PC Card into the card slot to performthe operation.CFG: =TO LOAD, TO CANCEL A Configuration Card has been inserted into the PC Card slot. Pressthe = key to load Configurations or IntelliSets into microprocessor.CHANGE INTELLISET TO EXIT The IntelliSleep Intelliset is active. Alternates with"INTELLI-SLEEP MODE" at 5 second interval whether unit is runningor not.CHARGE MODE-HOLD=TO EXIT Service mode has the refrigeration system set so that it can becharged with refrigerant through the king valve. Press the = key tomanually exit, or wait until the charging is complete.CHECK AT NEXT SERVICE INTERVAL The unit needs to be checked at next service interval.There is currently an active non-shutdown alarm in the alarm list.CHECK DOOR Door switch indicates that trailer compartment door is not closed.CHECK FUEL LEVEL(Requires Optional Sensor)The level in the fuel tank is very close to empty.CHK WIRES FROM MICRO TO KEYPAD There is a communication signal lost between the keypad/display andthe microprocessor. Check and test the wiring to the keypad/displayCOMPONENT TEST MODE Pressing the = key while this message is being displayed will allowuser access to Component Test mode.CONFIG ERROR, REMOVE CARD There was an error configuring the microprocessor with the Configu-ration PC Card. Remove the PC Card from the slot.CONFIGS COMPLETE,= TO EXIT The user has reached the end of the Configurations List. Pressing theUP or DOWN ARROW key will start list over. Press the = key to exitConfiguration List.CONFIGURATION MODE Press the = key to enter Configuration Mode.CONFIGURATION NOT CHANGED New Configuration selection was not entered (saved) within the5 second time limit.CONTINUOUS LOCKED The current set point is within a range that has been locked into theContinuous Run mode. Start-Stop can not be selected.CONTINUOUS RUN MODE SELECTED The unit operating mode has been changed from Start-Stop to Con-tinuous Run.COPY COMPLETE, REMOVE CARD XX A DownLoad PC Card has been inserted into the PC Card slot, andall data from the DataRecorder has been copied onto the PC Card.You may safely remove PC Card from the slot. XX = number of emp-ty download slots remaining on the card.COPY ERROR, REMOVE CARD XX A DownLoad PC Card has been inserted into the PC Card slot andan error occurred while the data was being copied onto the PC Card.You may safely remove the PC Card from the slot.XX indicates the number of empty download slots remaining on thecard.COPYING DATA-PLEASE WAIT A DownLoad PC Card has been inserted into the PC Card slot and alldata from the DataRecorder is being copied onto the PC Card.DO NOT REMOVE THE CARD WHILE THIS MESSAGE IS BEINGDISPLAYED.DATA RECORDER FAILURE The microprocessor has stopped recording Unit Data.DEFROST CYCLE STARTED The unit has gone into defrost.DOOR OPEN - LOW SPEED The refrigerated compartment door is open forcing the unit to run inlow speed.ENTERING SERVICE MODE The initial message for Service Mode.