62-61753-21 3-12Pressing the "=" key will allow the user to select thedate and time the unit is to automatically wake up. Thewake up time must be at least 1 hour and no morethan 8 days from the time the clock is set. The follow-ing information can be entered: Month (1 to 12) Day (1 to 31) Year (1998 to 2037) Hour (0 to 23) Minute (0 to 59)NOTEThe clock is a 24 hour clock. Hours 1 thru 12are AM and hours 13 thru 24 are PM.2. "RUN PRETRIP TEST AT WAKE"a. When "PRETRIP TEST AT WAKE" is set to NO theunit will wake up at the designated time and controlto set point.b. When "PRETRIP TEST AT WAKE" is set to YES.the unit will wake up at the designated time, auto-matically run Pretrip and then control to set point."PRETRIP PASS/FAIL" will remain in the Message-Center until it is manually cleared.If Sleep Mode is selected, when the unit is not runningduring a Start-Stop Off Cycle, any remaining MinimumOff Time will be ignored, and the engine will start. Itwill run for 4 minutes (minimum), until the engine cool-ant temperature is above 50°C (122°F), and the bat-tery is fully charged (O.K. displays in the Data Listvoltage line, and charging amps are less than the Con-figured setting). While the unit is running in SleepMode, "SLEEP WARNING: NO TEMP CONTROL" willflash in the MessageCenter, and the Display (set pointand refrigerated box temperature) will be off.If the unit is already running when Sleep Mode is se-lected, it will continue to run until the conditions de-scribed above are met.While the unit is cycled off in Sleep Mode, "SLEEPMODE, OFF/ON TO WAKE" will be displayed in theMessageCenter. The display backlight will turn off after5 minutes.While in Sleep Mode, Unit Data and Alarm Lists maybe viewed, and Functional Parameters may be viewedand changed as necessary. However, Start-Stop/Continuous Run selections and set point can notbe changed. Manual Defrost and Pretrip can be initiat-ed.The unit will restart when engine coolant temperaturedrops below 1°C (34°F) or if the battery voltage dropsbelow the Configured battery restart value. (refer toSection 5.1.1)NOTE (FOR ENGINE OPERATION ONLY)In the event that the Engine Coolant Tempera-ture sensor fails, Sleep Mode will operate asfollows:In ambients above 0°C (32°F), the unit will runas above, and will monitor battery voltage andcharging amps only (according to the Configu-ration setting).In ambients below 0°C (32°F), the unit will runfor 20 minutes minimum run time, then restartevery 60 minutes (maximum off time). Batteryvoltage and amperage will be monitored nor-mally.