EXTERNAL BRAKEFUSEA2WWUUVVWUVC14C13117118+ -EXTERNAL BRAKEEXTERNAL BRAKEEXTERNAL BRAKECONTROL CARD PIN 20(TERMINAL JUMPERED TOGETHER)CUSTOMER SUPPLIED(TERMINAL JUMPERED TOGETHER)MCB 113 PIN X46/1MCB 113 PIN X46/3MCB 113 PIN X46/5MCB 113 PIN X46/7MCB 113 PIN X46/9MCB 113 PIN X46/11MCB 113 PIN X46/13MCB 113 PIN X47/1MCB 113 PIN X47/3MCB 113 PIN X47/2MCB 113 PIN X47/4MCB 113 PIN X47/6MCB 113 PIN X47/5MCB 113 PIN X47/7MCB 113 PIN X47/9MCB 113 PIN X47/8MCB 113 PIN X45/1MCB 113 PIN X45/2MCB 113 PIN X45/3MCB 113 PIN X45/4 AUX FAN AUX FANTB3 INVERTER 2TB3 INVERTER 2R-R-R+R+TB3 INVERTER 1TB3 INVERTER 1PILZTERMINALSREGENTERMINALSMCB 113 PIN 12MCB 112 PIN 1MCB 112 PIN 2CONTROL CARD PIN 37CONTROL CARD PIN 53CONTROL CARD PIN 55TB08 PIN 01TB08 PIN 02TB08 PIN 04TB08 PIN 051 111223345533101213141516171830313233343536373839404142505160616263909111TB7L1 L1L2 L2100 101 10281812139696969797979898TB4TB8988282103CUSTOMERSUPPLIED 24V RET.CUSTOMERSUPPLIED 24VINVERTERCABINETCUSTOMERCONNECTIONDETAILS130BB760.10NAMUR Terminal Definition28182EXTERNAL BRAKEEXTERNAL BRAKEWUV49697988182R-R+ R+R-Illustration 5.56 Diagram Showing all Electrical Terminals without OptionsTerminal 37 is the input to be used for Safe Stop. For instructions on Safe Stop installation, refer to 5.7 Safe Stop Installation.1) F8/F9 = (1) set of terminals.2) F10/F11 = (2) sets of terminals.3) F12/F13 = (3) sets of terminals.How to Install VLT® AQUA Drive FC 202 Design GuideMG20Z102 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 1115 5