NOTENote the values available within the different standardgroups of resistors:E12: Closest standard value is 470 Ω, creating an input of449.9 Ω and 8.997 V.E24: Closest standard value is 510 Ω, creating an input of486.4 Ω and 9.728 V.E48: Closest standard value is 511 Ω, creating an input of487.3 Ω and 9.746 V.E96: Closest standard value is 523 Ω, creating an input of498.2 Ω and 9.964 V.Analog inputs - terminal X42/1-6Parameter group for read out: 18-3* Analog Readouts. Formore information, consult the Programming Guide.Parameter groups for set-up: 26-0* Analog I/O Mode, 26-1*Analog Input X42/1, 26-2* Analog Input X42/3 and 26-3*Analog Input X42/5. For more information, consult theProgramming Guide.3 x Analog inputs Operating range Resolution Accuracy Sampling Max load ImpedanceUsed astemperaturesensor input-50°C to +150°C 11 bits -50 °C±1 °K+150 °C±2 °K3 Hz - -Used asvoltage input 0 - 10 V DC 10 bits0.2% of fullscale at cal.temperature2.4 Hz +/- 20 VcontinuouslyApproximately5 kΩTable 3.24 Analog InputsWhen used for voltage, analog inputs are scalable byparameters for each input.When used for temperature sensor, analog inputs scaling ispreset to necessary signal level for specified temperaturespan.When analog inputs are used for temperature sensors, it ispossible to read out feedback value in both °C and °F.When operating with temperature sensors, maximum cablelength to connect sensors is 80 m non-screened/non-twisted wires.Analog outputs - terminal X42/7-12Parameter group for read out and write: 18-3*. For moreinformation, consult the Programming Guide.Parameter groups for set-up: 26-4* Analog Out X42/7, 26-5*Analog Out X42/9 and 26-6* Analog Out X42/11. For moreinformation, consult the Programming Guide.3 x AnalogoutputsOutputsignal levelResolution Linearity Max loadVolt 0-10V DC 11 bits 1% of fullscale1 mATable 3.25 Analog OutputsAnalog outputs are scalable by parameters for eachoutput.The function assigned is selectable via a parameter andhave same options as for analog outputs on control card.For a more detailed description of parameters, refer to theProgramming Guide.Real-time clock (RTC) with back-upThe data format of RTC includes year, month, date, hour,minutes, and weekday.Accuracy of clock is better than ± 20 ppm at 25 °C.The built-in lithium back-up battery lasts on average forminimum 10 years, when the frequency converter isoperating at 40 °C ambient temperature. If battery packback-up fails, analog I/O option must be exchanged.Cascade control is a common control system used tocontrol parallel pumps or fans in an energy efficient way.The cascade controller option provides the capability tocontrol multiple pumps configured in parallel in a way thatmakes them appear as a single larger pump.To satisfy the required system output for flow or pressurewhen using cascade controllers, the individual pumps areautomatically turned on (staged) and turned off (de-staged) as needed. The speed of pumps connected toVLT® AQUA Drive FC 202 is also controlled to provide acontinuous range of system output.Selection VLT® AQUA Drive FC 202 Design Guide60 MG20Z102 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark33