Controls and IndicatorsProduct Reference Guide 449LED and Audio IndicationsScanner and Scale LED IndicationsThe Green Good Read indicator bar (see Figure 50) indicates scanner status, andthe Scale LED is primarily used to show scale status.NOTESince audio indications are configurable, your unit may not beprogrammed to sound all the indications as listed. For moreinformation, see the Programming section of this manual.LEDINDICATION DURATION COMMENTScale at Zeroa Scale (Yellow) LED on steady The scale is at rest and reads zero weight. Thescale is ready to weigh.Scanner Activea(Normal Mode)Scanner (Green) LED on steady and dim The scanner is ready for operation. Scanning isimmediately available.Good ReadIndicationaScanner (Green) LED - bright flash Indicates a bar code has been read anddecoded.Program ModeIndicationScanner (Green) LED - Continuous flashing Indicates the scanner is in Label ProgrammingMode. Cycle power (or read an Exit Program-ming label) to exit Programming Mode.Sleep Mode Indi-cationScanner (Green) LED flashes slowly 10ms on,1990ms off.The scanner has automatically switched offand the unit has entered Sleep Mode due toextended inactivity.Low Power Level3 IndicationScanner (Green) LED flashes slowly 10ms on,2990ms off.The scanner has automatically switched offand the unit has entered Level 3 Low PowerMode due to extended inactivity.Scanner DisabledaScanner (Green) LED blinks100ms on, 900msoff. Host has disabled scanning.Field ReplaceableUnit (FRU) Warn-ing (Error Mode)Audible low tone 1 second.Alternating Scanner/Scale /EAS andScaleSentry LEDs flash continuouslyb.Serves notice that a fatal FRU failure has beendetected. Consult in this manual for moredetails.FRU IndicationScanner (Green) LED flashes a codedsequence in concert with the speaker. Occurs ONLY upon Volume/Tone button pushfollowing a FRU warning. Enables service tech-nicians to identify FRU failures.ROM Failure Scanner (Green) LED - Continuous flashing200ms on, 200ms off. Indicates Boot ROM failure or Program ROMfailure.a. Certain functions of the Green and Yellow LEDs are selectable to be enabled or disabled. Your scanner may not be pro-grammed to display all indications.b. For FRU error 9, the Deactivator LED (tri-color) is off.