76 Magellan™ 9300i / 9400i ScannersDescription of Calibration SequenceThe Calibration Sequence sets the scale to an accurate reference point forweighing. This process involves the use of a Field Standard Weight Set (31.5-pounds) for calibration in pounds, (18.5-kilograms) for Metric calibration. Oncecalibration has been successfully completed, the scanner/scale uses the certi-fied weight as a reference for subsequent weighing activities.These verification procedures follow the U.S. National Institute of Standards andTechnology 44 Handbook guidelines for bench/counter scale installations.If any of these tests fail to meet the required weight indications, you must cali-brate the scanner/scale. Refer to the calibration instructions in this section forthe proper procedures.You may be required by state and/or local regulations to have procedures other thanthese performed by a certified technician or verification official.Access to the calibration switch should be restricted with a paper or a wire andlead seal after the calibration has been performed if required by your local reg-ulatory agency.The following tools and supplies will be required to perform the calibrationprocess:• 31.5 pound Field Standard Weight Set1. (English calibration only).• 18.5 kilogram Field Standard Weight Set2. (Metric calibration only).• Lead wire or paper seal (as required by law).Motion TestThis test verifies that the scale will not ‘zero’ when the weighing surface of thescanner/scale is in motion.1. Verify that the Zero lamp is On and the Remote Display reads 0.00 pounds,0.000 pounds or 0.000 kilograms.2. Press lightly on the weigh platter of the scanner/scale with one hand andat the same time press and release the Zero switch on the operator’spanel. The Zero lamp should turn Off and the Remote Display should notdisplay 0.00 pounds, 0.000 pounds or 0.000 kilograms.3. Remove your hand from the weighing platform and verify that the Zerolamp is On and the Remote Display reads 0.00 pounds, 0.000 pounds or0.000 kilograms.NOTEThe Calibration Sequence must be performed without removingthe scanner/scale from its installed position.1. NOTE: Throughout the calibration procedures, specified weights may be achieved by using acombination of weight from this set. e.g. 20 lbs may be made up of one 10.00 lb. weight andtwo 5.00 lb. weights.2. NOTE: Throughout the calibration procedures, specified weights may be achieved by using acombination of weights from this set. e.g. 10 kgs. may be made up of one 5.00 kg. and five1.00 kg. weights.