Product Reference Guide 75Chapter 6Calibration ProceduresA number of situations require the scale to be calibrated. They are:• at initial installation of the scanner/scale• if the scale cannot be re-zeroed• when changing the weight measure from pounds to kilograms or vice-versa• if diagnostics indicate a calibration error• when removing/replacing any scale assembly or the Main Board• when required by local regulationsFollow the procedures on the following pages to ensure that the scanner/scalewill meet Weights and Measurement requirements.NOTEThis section applies to scanner/scale models with single or dualinterval. Make sure to follow the proper associated procedure foreach of these options. Procedures specific to single interval unitsis highlighted in a coral color. Procedures specific to dual intervalunits is highlighted in a teal color.These procedures are not applicable for adaptive scale models.Consult your adaptive scale documentation or the adaptive scalemanufacturer for more information.Certification of the scanner/scale’s weighing apparatus issubject to Federal, State and Local Weights and Measuresstatutes and is restricted to authorized government agen-cies and/or duly registered agents thereof. Anytime a scaleis calibrated, it should be properly sealed with a lead andwire or paper seal before being placed into service.It is your responsibility to check with the appropriate author-ities in your area to ensure compliance with pertinent regu-lations before removing any official seals or placing a newlycalibrated scanner/scale into service.CAUTIONDO NOT apply a calibration seal to include the EAS antenna (ifone is present). Reference Figure 46. If the antenna must beremoved for other reasons, this would unnecessarily cause thescale to require recalibration.LEGALNOTE