Scale Error ReportingProduct Reference Guide 67Scale Error ReportingScale diagnostics uses the optional Remote Scale Display and the Zero Statuslamp to communicate specific scale failures.The following chart shows the Remote Display messages, the Scale Status lampindication, the problem that the scale is experiencing and what action shouldbe taken. When troubleshooting, always remember to check all cable connec-tions first before proceeding with other problem isolation steps.This does not apply to Adaptive Scale models.Remote DisplayScale Status LEDProblem Description Action RequiredE _1Flash, pause, 1blink, long pause,repeat sequence.Too much motion atpower-up.Check for stable installation. Change scalemotion filter using the labels found in theProgramming on page 93 section;restart. If the problem persists, the scalemay require calibration.E__2Flash, pause, 2blinks, long pause,repeat sequence.Calibration lost. Call technical support personnel. Re-cali-brate; restart; recertify (if required).E__3Flash, pause, 3blinks, long pause,repeat sequence.Scale communicationlost. Internal scanner/scale problem.Call technical support personnel; reporterror.E__4Flash, pause, 4blinks, long pause,repeat sequence.Scale module failure. Call technical support personnel; reporterror.E__5Flash, pause, 5blinks, long pause,repeat sequence.Internal software fault. Call technical support personnel; reporterror.Other Scale Reporting- 0 - OffCannot zero at power-up or weight remains onscale for more than 4minutes or weight hasnot returned to zerobetween POS weightrequestsa.- Check debris chutes.- Verify that the weigh platter movesfreely.- Remove item(s) from scale- Press Scale Zero Button- for more information.- If the scale still fails to zero, recalibratethe scale.a. This is a configurable feature.