66 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Command Reference53-1002115-01show interface4show interfaceSynopsis show interface [port-channel number | {in | ex}tengigabitethernet slot/port | switchport |tracked ]Operands port-channel numberSpecifies to display the port-channel number. The range of valid values is1-63.extengigabitethernetSpecifies a valid external 10 Gbps Ethernet interface.slot Specifies a valid slot number.port Specifies a valid port number.intengigabitethernetSpecifies a valid internal 10 Gbps Ethernet interface.slot Specifies a valid slot number.port Specifies a valid port number.switchport Specifies to display information for Layer 2 interfacestracked Displays the tracked status of the interface.Defaults There are no default configurations for this command.CommandModesEXEC modeDescription Use this command to display the detailed interface configuration and capabilities of all interfacesor for a specific interface.UsageGuidelinesThere are no usage guidelines for this command.Examples To display detailed information for 10 Gbps Ethernet interface 0/1:switch#show interface intengigabitethernet 0/1InTenGigabitEthernet 0/1 is admin down, line protocol is down (admin down)Hardware is Ethernet, address is 0005.1e76.1aa5Current address is 0005.1e76.1aa5Pluggable media present, Media type is sfpWavelength is 850 nmInterface index (ifindex) is 67174401MTU 2500 bytesLineSpeed: 10000 Mbit, Duplex: FullFlowcontrol rx: on, tx: onLast clearing of show interface counters: 00:02:18Queueing strategy: fifoReceive Statistics:0 packets, 0 bytesUnicasts: 0, Multicasts: 0, Broadcasts: 064-byte pkts: 0, Over 64-byte pkts: 0, Over 127-byte pkts: 0Over 255-byte pkts: 0, Over 511-byte pkts: 0, Over 1023-byte pkts: 0Over 1518-byte pkts(Jumbo): 0Runts: 0, Jabbers: 0, CRC: 0, Overruns: 0