Configuring DHCPv6 Server and Relay Settings 1079Configuring DHCPv6 Interface InformationBeginning in Privileged EXEC mode, use the following commands toconfigure an interface as a DHCPv6 server or a DHCPv6 relay agent. Theserver and relay functionality are mutually exclusive. In other words, a VLANrouting interface can be configured as a DHCPv6 server or a DHCPv6 relayagent, but not both.Command Purposeconfigure Enter Global Configuration mode.interface {tunneltunnel-id | vlanvlan-id}Enter interface configuration mode for a tunnel or VLANrouting interface to configure as a DHCPv6 relay agent.ipv6 dhcp relay{destinationrelay-address [interface vlanvlan-id] | interface vlanvlan-id} [remote-id{duid-ifid |user-defined-string}]Configure the interface for DHCPv6 relay functionality.• destination — Keyword that sets the relay server IPv6address.•relay-address — An IPv6 address of a DHCPv6 relayserver.• interface — Sets the relay server interface.•vlan-id — A valid VLAN ID.• [remote-id {duid-ifid |user-defined-string}] — TheRelay Agent Information Option “remote ID” sub-optionto be added to relayed messages. This can either be thespecial keyword duid-ifid, which causes the “remote ID”to be derived from the DHCPv6 server DUID and therelay interface number, or it can be specified as a user-defined string.exit Exit to Global Configuration Modeinterface {tunneltunnel-id | vlanvlan-id}Enter interface configuration mode for a tunnel or VLANrouting interface to configure with DHCPv6 serverfunctionality.