116 Setting Basic Network InformationAdditionally, this chapter describes how to view host name-to-IP addressmappings that have been dynamically learned by the system.Why Is Basic Network Information Needed?PowerConnect 7000 Series switches are layer 2/3 managed switches. Tomanage the switch remotely by using a Web browser or Telnet client, theswitch must have an IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. You mustalso configure a username and password to be able to log into the switch froma remote host. For information about configuring users, see "Local UserDatabase" on page 192 (Web) or "Adding Users to the Local Database" onpage 215 (CLI). If you manage the switch only by using a console connection,configuring an IP address and user is not required.Configuring the DNS information, default domain name, and host namemapping help the switch identify and locate other devices on the network andon the Internet. For example, to upgrade the switch software by using a TFTPDefault Gateway Typically a router interface that is directly connected tothe switch and is in the same subnet. The switch sendsIP packets to the default gateway when it does notrecognize the destination IP address in a packet.DHCP Client Requests network information from a DHCP server onthe network.Domain Name System(DNS) ServerTranslates hostnames into IP addresses. The servermaintains a domain name databases and theircorresponding IP addresses.Default Domain Name Identifies your network, such as dell.com. If you enter ahostname and do not include the domain nameinformation, the default domain name is automaticallyappended to the hostname.Host Name Mapping Allows you to statically map an IP address to ahostname.NOTE: The configuration example in this chapter includes commands to createan administrative user with read/write access.Table 7-1. Basic Network Information (Continued)Feature Description