190 | Creating and Using Templates Dell PowerConnect W AirWave 7.1 | User Guidesnmp-server manager v3snmp-server user snmptrap v3 encrypted auth md5 0x1aa491f4ca7c55df0f57801bece9044csnmp-server user snmpmanager v3 encrypted auth md5 0x1aa491f4ca7c55df0f57801bece9044csnmp-server user snmpoperator v3 encrypted auth md5 0xb03b1ebfa0e3d02f50e2b1c092ab7c9fA sample Symbol Smart RF template is provided below for reference:radio %radio_index% radio-mac %radio_mac%%if radio_type=11a%radio %radio_index% coverage-rate 18%endif%%if radio_type=11an%radio %radio_index% coverage-rate 18%endif%%if radio_type=11b%radio %radio_index% coverage-rate 5p5%endif%%if radio_type=11bg%radio %radio_index% coverage-rate 6%endif%%if radio_type=11bgn%radio %radio_index% coverage-rate 18%endif%A sample Symbol thin AP template is provided below for reference and for the formatting of if statements.radio add %radio_index% %lan_mac% %radio_type% %ap_type%radio %radio_index% radio-number %radio_number%radio %radio_index% description %description%%if radio_type=11a%radio %radio_index% speed basic6 9 basic12 18 basic24 36 48 54radio %radio_index% antenna-mode primaryradio %radio_index% self-heal-offset 1radio %radio_index% beacon-interval 99radio %radio_index% rts-threshold 2345radio %radio_index% max-mobile-units 25radio %radio_index% admission-control voice max-perc 76radio %radio_index% admission-control voice res-roam-perc 11radio %radio_index% admission-control voice max-mus 101radio %radio_index% admission-control voice max-roamed-mus 11%endif%%if radio_type=11an%radio %radio_index% speed basic11a 9 18 36 48 54 mcs0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15%endif%%if radio_type=11b%radio %radio_index% speed basic1 basic2 basic5p5 basic11