Dell PowerConnect W AirWave 7.1 | User Guide Access Point Notes | 3111. If you have not done so already, connect to the AP (see above), click OK, and press Enter.2. When the Summary Status screen appears after you have connected to the AP, reboot the AP by unpluggingand then re-plugging the power connector.3. When the AP reboots and the Summary Status screen reappears, type :resetall and press Enter.4. Type yes, and press Enter to confirm the command.5. After the AP reboots and the Express Setup screen appears, reconfigure the AP by using the terminalemulator or an Internet browser.Cisco IOS Dual Radio TemplateA dual-radio Cisco IOS AP template is included as reference.! Template created from Cisco Aironet 1240 IOS 12.3(11)JA1 'newName'! at 2/12/2007 10:14 AM by user 'admin'ntp clock-periodversion 12.3no service padservice timestamps debug datetime msecservice timestamps log datetime msecservice password-encryptionhostname %hostname%enable secret 5 $1$ceH2$/1BN2DQpOoBAz/KI2opH7/ip subnet-zeroip domain name Aruba.comip name-server aaa new-modeldot11 ssid OpenSSIDauthentication openpower inline negotiation prestandard sourceusername newpassword password 7 05050318314D5D1A0E0A0516username Cisco password 7 01300F175804bridge irbinterface Dot11Radio0%enabled%no ip addressno ip route-cachessid OpenSSIDspeed basic-1.0 basic-2.0 basic-5.5 6.0 9.0 basic-11.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 36.0 48.0 54.0channel %channel%station-role rootbridge-group 1bridge-group 1 subscriber-loop-controlbridge-group 1 block-unknown-sourceno bridge-group 1 source-learningno bridge-group 1 unicast-floodingbridge-group 1 spanning-disabled%if interface=Dot11Radio1%interface Dot11Radio1no ip addressNote: The :resetall command is valid for only two minutes after the AP reboots. If you do not enter and confirm the:resetallcommand during that two minutes, reboot the AP again.