Dell PowerConnect W AirWave 7.1 | User Guide HP Insight Install Instructions for AWMS Servers | 319Appendix FHP Insight Install Instructions forAWMS ServersTo install HP/Compaq Insight Manager on the AWMS, perform the following steps:1. Use SCP to move the two files over to the server:hpasm-7.8.0-88.rhel4.i386.rpm <- This is the actual HP agentshpsmh-2.1.9-178.linux.i386.rpm <- This is the HP web portal to the agents2. Type rpm -i hpasm-7.8.0-88.rhel4.i386.rpm at the command line interface.3. Type hpasm activate at the command line interface.Take the default values. You will need the SNMP RW and RO strings at this point.4. Type rpm -i --nopre hpsmh-2.1.9-178.linux.i386.rpm at the command line interface. The nopre syntaxcomponent is required to keep the rpm from producing errors on CentOS, as opposed to Red Hat. This rpmmust be run after the hpasm rpm, because the pre-install scripts in the hpsmh rpm are not being run.5. Type perl /usr/local/hp/ at the command line interface.This configures the web server.Configure the Add Group > Administrator page with a name '0'.Enable IP Binding—type 1 at the command line interface.At the next interface enter the IP address and mask of the server.6. Type /etc/init.d/hpasm reconfigure at the command line interface.When going through this menu this time, select 'y' to use the existing snmpd.conf.7. Type vi /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf at the command line interface.Change the following two lines:rwcommunity xxxstringxxx xxxstringxxx these lines to read as follows:rwcommunity xxxstringxxxrwcommunity xxxstringxxx8. Type service snmpd restart at the command line interface.9. Type user add xxusernamexx at the command line interface.10. Type passwd xxusernamexx at the command line interface and enter a password for the user.11. Type vi /etc/passwd at the command line interface.Scroll to the bottom of the list and change the new users UID and GroupID to 0 (fourth and fifth column).12. Connect to the server using and the username and password that you created insteps 9 and 10.