38 | Configuring AWMS Dell PowerConnect W AirWave 7.1 | User GuideCustomized SearchYou can customize search results to display only desired categories of matches on the Home > User Info page.Navigate to the Search Preferences box and toggle the Customize Search option to “Yes”; then select or unselectcategories of results and save your changes. By default customize search is turned off and all boxes are selected.When you enter a search string into the search box in the upper right-hand corner of any AMP page only resultsin the selected categories will be returned.Figure 16 Customized Search PreferencesSetting Severe Alert Warning BehaviorYou can control the alert levels users can see on the Alerts statistics hyperlink from the Home > User Info page.These settings will apply unless and until other users change settings for themselves. When a trigger is assigned aseverity of Critical, it generates a severe alert. When a severe alert exists, a new component appears at the right ofthe Status field in bold red font. Only users configured on the Home > User Info page to be enabled to viewcritical alerts can see severe alerts. The Severe Alert Threshold dropdown menu, located in the Top Header Statspane of the Home > User Info page, with all options displayed is shown in Figure 17.Figure 17 Severe Alert Threshold Dropdown Menu