Protecting A ClusterThis topic describes how to add a cluster for protection in AppAssure 5. When you add a cluster to protection, you needto specify the host name or IP address of the cluster, the cluster application, or one of the cluster nodes or machinesthat includes the AppAssure 5 Agent.NOTE: A repository is used to store the snapshots of data that are captured from your protected nodes. Before youstart protecting data in your cluster, set up at least one repository that is associated with your AppAssure Core.For information about setting up repositories, see About Repositories.To protect a cluster:1. Do one of the following:– In the Core Console, navigate to the Home tab, and then click the Protect Cluster button.– In the Core Console, on the Machines tab, click Actions, and then click Protect Cluster.2. In the Connect to Cluster dialog box, enter the following information:Text Box DescriptionHost The host name or IP address of the cluster, the cluster application, or one of the clusternodes that you wish to protect.NOTE: If you use the IP address of one of the nodes, this node needs to have anAppAssure agent installed and started.Port The port number on the machine on which the AppAssure 5 Core communicates with theagent.User name The user name of the domain administrator used to connect to this machine: for example,domain_name\administrator or administrator@domain_name.comNOTE: The domain name is mandatory. You cannot connect to the cluster using thelocal administrator username.Password The password used to connect to this machine.3. Click Connect.4. In the Protect Cluster dialog box, select a repository for this cluster.5. To protect the cluster based on default settings, select the nodes for default protection, and click Protect.NOTE: The default settings ensure that all volumes are protected with a schedule of every 60 minutes.6. To enter custom settings for the cluster (for example, to customize the protection schedule for the shared volumes),do the following:a) Click the Settings button.b) In the Volumes dialog box, select the volume(s) to protect, and click Edit.c) In the Protection Schedule dialog box, select one of the schedule options for protecting your data as describedin the following table.Text Box DescriptionInterval You can choose from:* Weekday — To protect data on a specific interval, select Interval, and then:126