– I successfully logged into my account– A core was added– A core was deleted– A machine has been added– A machine has been deleted– License pool has exceeded the limit– License pool has changed– A user was added– A user was deleted– A group was added– A group was deleted– I was appointed as the group owner4. Click Save.Changing Your AppAssure License Portal PasswordOn the Change Password tab in the Account Profile page, you can change the password for your account.To change your password:1. On the AppAssure 5 License Portal Home page, click your user name, and then click Personal Settings.The Account Profile page is displayed.2. Click the Change Password tab.3. In the Current Password text box, enter the current password for your account.4. In the New Password text box, enter the new password for your account.NOTE: Passwords must contain a minimum of eight characters. For optimal security, it is recommended thatyou use a combination of upper and lowercase characters in combination with numeric and unique symbols.5. In the Confirm New Password text box, re-enter the new password for your account.Depending on the characters you choose for a password, the strength of the password is displayed as either:– Very Weak– Weak– Normal– Strong– Very Strong6. Click Change Password.Viewing UsersUsers are associated with groups and can be viewed from the User area in the Group View page of the License Portal.You can invite new users to a group.NOTE: To view the users in a group, the logged on user must have privileges to view the parent group.To view users:1. On the License Portal Home page, select a group in the left navigation area.2. Expand the Users area.You can view the following details for users in a group:31