Method DescriptionNOTE: A known issue exists in .NET 4.0 WCF ( feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=413312), whichprevents path escape characters from workingcorrectly in a URI template. Because a volume namecontains both '\' and '?', you must replace the specialcharacters '\' and '?' with other special characters.public string GetMountName() Returns a name for this volume that is valid for mountingvolume image to some folder.VolumeNameCollection (namespace Replay.Common.Contracts.Metadata.Storage)Inherits its values from the parameter, System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection.Method Descriptionpublic override bool Equals(object obj) Determines whether this instance and a specified object,which must also be a VolumeNameCollectionobject, have the same value. (OverridesObject.Equals(Object).)public override int GetHashCode() Returns the hash code for thisVolumeNameCollection. (OverridesObject.GetHashCode().)VolumeSnapshotInfo (namesapce Replay.Common.Contracts.Transfer)Method Descriptionpublic Uri BlockHashesUri { get; set;} Gets or sets the URI at which the MD5 hashes of volumeblocks can be read.public Uri BlockDataUri { get; set;} Gets or sets the URI at which the volume data blocks canbe read.VolumeSnapshotInfoDictionary (namespace Replay.Common.Contracts.Transfer)Inherits its values from the parameter, System.Collections.Generic.DictionaryVolumeSnapshotInfo>.Pretransferscript.ps1The PreTransferScript is executed on the agent side prior to transferring a snapshot.# receiving parameter from transfer jobparam([object]$TransferPrescriptParameter)# building path to Agent's Common.Contracts.dll and loading this assembly$regLM = [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::LocalMachine$regLM = $regLM.OpenSubKey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall155