1. Navigate to the AppAssure 5 Core, and then click the Configuration tab.2. From the Manage option, click Events.3. Click Change.The Event Retention dialog box is displayed.4. In the Store Events For text box, select the duration for retaining information about events.5. Click OK.Managing RecoveryThe AppAssure 5 Core can instantly restore data or recover machines to physical or virtual machines from the recoverypoints. The recovery points contain agent volume snapshots captured at the block level. These snapshots and areapplication aware, meaning all open transactions and rolling transaction logs are completed and caches are flushed todisk before creating the snapshot. Using application-aware snapshots in tandem with Recovery Assure, enables theCore to perform several types of recoveries, including:• Recovery of files and folders• Recovery of data volumes, using Live Recovery• Recovery of data volumes for Microsoft Exchange Server and Microsoft SQL Server, using Live Recovery• Bare metal restore, using Universal Recovery• Bare metal restore to dissimilar hardware, using Universal Recovery• Ad-hoc and continuous export to virtual machinesAbout Recovery PointsRecovery points are a collection of snapshots of various disk volumes. For example, C:\, D:\, and E:\. Snapshots are usedto capture and store the state of a disk volume at a given point in time while the applications that generate the data arestill running, so as to use it to perform instant recovery in the event of an outage or failure.The snapshots that are captured by AppAssure 5 are done so at the block level and are application aware. This meansthat all open transactions and rolling transaction logs are completed and caches are flushed to disk before creating thesnapshot.AppAssure 5 uses a low-level volume filter driver, which attaches to the mounted volumes and then tracks all block-level changes for the next impending snapshot. Microsoft Volume Shadow Services (VSS) is used to facilitateapplication crash consistent snapshots.About System InformationAppAssure 5 lets you view information about the AppAssure 5 core that includes system information, local and mountedvolumes, and AppAssure engine connections.If you want to dismount individual or all recovery points that are mounted locally on a core, you can accomplish this fromthe Mount option on the Tools tab. For more information about dismounting recovery points, see Dismounting SelectRecovery Points and Dismounting All Recovery Points.Viewing System InformationTo view system information1. Navigate to the AppAssure 5 Core, and then select the Tools tab.2. From the Tools option, click System Info.73