– Or, in the Navigation pane, select the machine you want to view.3. Click the Tools tab, and then click Diagnostics.4. Click the View Log link.Protecting A MachineThis topic describes how to start protecting the data on a machine that has the AppAssure 5 Agent software installed.When you add protection, you need to specify the name or IP address of the machine to protect and the volumes on thatmachine to protect as well as define the protection schedule for each volume.To protect multiple machines at the same time, see Protecting Multiple Machines.To protect a machine:1. Navigate to the AppAssure 5 Core Console, and select the Machines tab.2. In the Actions drop-down menu, click Protect Machine.The Connect dialog box is displayed.3. In the Connect dialog box, enter the information about the machine to which you want to connect as described inthe following table.Text Box DescriptionHost The host name or IP address of the machine that you want to protect.Port The port number on which the AppAssure 5 Core communicates with the agent on themachine.Username The user name used to connect to this machine. For example, administrator.Password The password used to connect to this machine.4. Click Connect to connect to this machine.5. In the Protect dialog box, edit the settings as needed, as described in the following table.Field DescriptionDisplay Name Enter a new name for the machine to be displayed in the AppAssure 5 Core Console.Repository Select the repository on the AppAssure 5 Core in which to store the data from thismachine.Encryption Key Specify whether encryption is applied to the data for every volume on this machine to bestored in the repository.NOTE: The encryption settings for a repository are defined under the Configurationtab in the AppAssure 5 Core Console.Initially PauseProtectionAfter you add a machine for protection, AppAssure 5 automatically begins the process oftaking a base snapshot of data. You can select this check box to pause protection initially.You then need to force a snapshot manually when you are ready to start protecting yourdata. For more information, see Forcing A Snapshot.Volume Groups Under Volume Groups, you can define the schedule for protection:– To accept the default protection settings for this machine, click Protect. Thedefault settings ensure that all volumes on this machine are protected with aschedule of every 60 minutes.95