To monitor replication:1. In the Core Console, click the Replication tab.2. On this tab, you can view information about and monitor the status of replication tasks as described below.Section Description Available ActionsPending Replication Requests Lists your customer ID, e-mailaddress, and host name when areplication request is submitted to athird-party service provider. It islisted here until the request isaccepted by the MSP.In the drop-down menu, click Ignoreto ignore or reject the request.Outstanding Seed Drives Lists seed drives that have beenwritten but not yet consumed by thetarget core. It includes the remotecore name, date on which it wascreated, and the date range.In the drop-down menu, clickAbandon to abandon or cancel theseed process.Outgoing Replication Lists all target cores to which thesource core is replicating. Itincludes the remote core name, thestate of existence, the number ofagent machines being replicated,and the progress of a replicationtransmission.On a source core, in the drop-downmenu, you can select the followingoptions:– Details — Lists the ID, URI,display name, state,customer ID, e-mailaddress, and comments forthe replicated core.– Change Settings — Lists thedisplay name and lets youedit the host and port for thetarget core.– Add Agents — Lets youselect a host from a drop-down list, select protectedagents for replication, andcreate a seed drive for thenew agent’s initial transfer.Incoming Replication Lists all source machines fromwhich the target receives replicateddata. It includes the remote corename, state, machines, andprogress.On a target core, in the drop-downmenu, you can select the followingoptions:– Details — Lists the ID, hostname, customer ID, e-mailaddress, and comments forthe replicated core.– Consume — Consumes theinitial data from the seeddrive and saves it to thelocal repository.œ3. Click the Refresh button to update the sections of this tab with the latest information.Pausing And Resuming ReplicationYou can pause replication temporarily for the source (outgoing) or target (incoming) cores.65