1. From the machine on which LMU is installed, launch LMU by double-clicking the desktop icon.2. From the main Local Mount Recovery screen, click Active mounts.The Active Mounts window opens and displays all mounted recovery points.3. Select one of the options described in the table below to dismount recovery points.Option DescriptionDismount Dismounts only the adjacent recovery point.a. Click Dismount beside the chosen recovery point.b. Close the window by clicking the X in the upper-right corner.Dismount all Dismounts all mounted recovery points.a. Click Dismount all.b. In the Dismount All window, click Yes to confirm.c. Close the window by clicking the X in the upper-right corner.About The Local Mount Utility Tray MenuThe LMU tray menu is located in your desktop task bar. Right-click the icon to reveal the following options:Browse RecoveryPointsOpens the LMU main screen.Active Mounts Opens the Active Mounts screen.Options Opens the Options screen, where you can change the Default Mount Point Directory, DefaultCore Credentials, and Language for the LMU user interface.About Opens the splash screen of licensing information.Exit Closes the application.NOTE: Using the X in the upper corner of the main screen minimizes the application to the tray.Using AppAssure 5 Core And Agent OptionsBy right-clicking on the AppAssure 5 Core or agent in the main LMU screen, you can perform certain options. Theyinclude:• Localhost Options• Remote Core Options• Agent OptionsAccessing Localhost OptionsTo access Localhost options, right-click on the AppAssure 5 Core or agent and then click Reconnect to core. Informationfrom the Core is updated and refreshed. For example, recently added agents.Accessing Remote Core OptionsTo access remote core options, right-click on the AppAssure 5 Core or agent and then select one of the remote coreoptions as described below.81