9-6 Dell Precision 410 Mini Tower Systems User’s GuideNOTE: If a setup password has been assigned by someone else, contact yournetwork administrator for information on resetting the chassis intrusion detector.5HPRYLQJDQ([SDQVLRQ&DUGFollow this general procedure to remove an expansion card: ,I \RX DUH UHPRYLQJ D QRQ3OXJ DQG 3OD\ ,6$ H[SDQVLRQ FDUG HQWHU WKH,&8 DQG UHPRYH WKH H[SDQVLRQ FDUG IURP \RXU FRQILJXUDWLRQSee Chapter 4, “Using the ISA Configuration Utility,” for instructions. 5HPRYH WKH FRPSXWHU FRYHU DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH LQVWUXFWLRQV LQ ´5HPRYLQJWKH &RPSXWHU &RYHUμ LQ &KDSWHU &$87,21 6HH ´3URWHFWLQJ $JDLQVW (OHFWURVWDWLF 'LVFKDUJHμ LQ WKH VDIHW\LQVWUXFWLRQV DW WKH IURQW RI WKLV JXLGH ,I QHFHVVDU\ GLVFRQQHFW DQ\ FDEOHV FRQQHFWHG WR WKH FDUG 8QVFUHZ WKH PRXQWLQJ EUDFNHW RI WKH FDUG \RX ZDQW WR UHPRYH *UDVS WKH FDUG E\ LWV RXWVLGH FRUQHUV DQG HDVH LW RXW RI LWV FRQQHFWRU ,I \RX DUH UHPRYLQJ WKH FDUG SHUPDQHQWO\ LQVWDOO D PHWDO ILOOHU EUDFNHWRYHU WKH HPSW\ FDUGVORW RSHQLQJNOTE: Installing filler brackets over empty card-slot openings is necessary tomaintain Federal Communications Commission (FCC) certification of the system.The brackets also keep dust and dirt out of your computer. 5HSODFH WKH FRPSXWHU FRYHU DQG UHFRQQHFW \RXU FRPSXWHU DQG SHULSKHUDOV WR WKHLU SRZHU VRXUFHV DQG WXUQ WKHP RQNOTE: After you remove and replace the cover, the chassis intrusion detector willcause the following message to be displayed at the next system start-up:ALERT! Cover was previously removed. 7R UHVHW WKH FKDVVLV LQWUXVLRQ GHWHFWRU HQWHU WKH 6\VWHP 6HWXS SURJUDPDQG UHVHW &KDVVLV ,QWUXVLRQ WR 1RW 'HWHFWHGSee Chapter 3, “Using the System Setup Program,” for instructions.NOTE: If a setup password has been assigned by someone else, contact yournetwork administrator for information on resetting the chassis intrusion detector.$GGLQJ0HPRU\Dell Precision 410 systems can use unbuffered or registered synchronous dynamicrandom-access memory (SDRAM) modules that provide error checking and correction(ECC) capabilities.23205BK0.BK : 23205C90.FM Page 6 Wednesday, March 18, 1998 1:51 PM