D-4 Dell Precision 410 Mini Tower Systems User’s Guide&OHDQLQJ'ULYHVYou can clean the heads of your diskette drives by using a commercially availablediskette-drive head-cleaning kit. These kits include diskettes pretreated with a chemi-cal solution to nonabrasively remove contaminants that accumulate on the driveheads during normal operation.If the kit does not contain instructions, insert one of the pretreated diskettes into adiskette drive and turn on the system. After 20 or 30 seconds, remove the diskettefrom the drive. Repeat this procedure for each diskette drive in the computer.&$87,21 'R QRW DWWHPSW WR FOHDQ GULYH KHDGV ZLWK D VZDE GHQWDOO\ PLVDOLJQ WKH KHDGV UHQGHULQJ WKH GULYH LQRSHUDEOH(QYLURQPHQWDO)DFWRUVThis section discusses various environmental factors that can adversely affect systemperformance and longevity.7HPSHUDWXUHTemperature extremes can cause a variety of problems, including premature agingand failure of chips or mechanical failure of devices. Extreme temperature fluctuationscan cause chips to become loose in their sockets and can cause expansion and con-traction of disk drive platters, resulting in read or write data errors. When you performa low-level format operation on a hard-disk drive, it is important to ensure that thedrive’s surrounding temperature is at or near the temperature at which the drive willbe operated. Failure to do so can result in relocation of the tracks on the disk platters.To minimize the negative effects of temperature on system performance, follow theseguidelines:á Ensure that the system is operated in an environment no colder than 10° Celsius(C) (50° Fahrenheit [F]) or hotter than 35°C (95°F).á Ensure that the system has adequate ventilation. Do not place it within a closed-in wall unit or on top of cloth material, which can act as insulation. Do not place itwhere it will receive direct sunlight, particularly in the afternoon. Do not place itnext to a heat source of any kind, including heating vents during winter.Adequate ventilation is particularly important at high altitudes. System perfor-mance may not be optimum when the system is operating at high temperaturesas well as high altitudes.á Make sure that all slots and openings on the computer remain unobstructed,especially the fan vent on the back of the computer.á Clean the system at regular intervals to avoid any buildup of dust and debris,which can cause a system to overheat.á If the system has been exposed to abnormally cold temperatures, allow a two-hour warm-up period to bring it up to normal operating temperature before23205BK0.BK : 23205AD0.FM Page 4 Wednesday, March 18, 1998 1:51 PM