10-12 Dell Precision 410 Mini Tower Systems User’s Guide 5HPRYH WKH IURQW EH]HO DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH LQVWUXFWLRQV LQ ´5HPRYLQJ DQG5HSODFLQJ WKH )URQW %H]HOμ IRXQG HDUOLHU LQ WKLV FKDSWHU 2SHQ WKH GULYH FDJH GRRUIf any hard-disk drives are already installed in the bracket, disconnect the DCpower cable and interface cable from each drive.Grasp the handle of the drive cage door on the front of the chassis, and pull outand down until the arms on the drive cage door (see Figure 10-10) disengagefrom the tabs on the bracket. This action pulls the bracket out of the drive cageabout 1 to 3 inches..)LJXUH 5HPRYLQJ WKH +DUG'LVN 'ULYH %UDFNHW 5HPRYH WKH EUDFNHW IURP WKH GULYH FDJH 6OLGH WKH GULYH LQWR WKH FKRVHQ ED\ RI WKH EUDFNHW RULHQWLQJ LW VR WKDWWKH FRQQHFWRUV RQ WKH EDFN RI WKH GULYH IDFH WKH LQVLGH RI WKH FKDVVLVZKHQ WKH EUDFNHW LV UHLQVWDOOHG VHH )LJXUH $OLJQ WKH IRXU VFUHZ KROHV RI WKH GULYH DQG EUDFNHW ,QVHUW DQG WLJKWHQWKH VFUHZV WKDW FDPH ZLWK \RXU XSJUDGH NLWUse the four screw holes in the top and bottom of the bracket (see Figure 10-11)to secure the installed hard-disk drive(s).tabs on bracket (2)drive cagearms on drivecage door (2)drive cage doordrive-cage doorhandle23205BK0.BK : 23205100.FM Page 12 Wednesday, March 18, 1998 1:51 PM