Using the ISA Configuration Utility 4-9NOTE: If you change one or more resource values using the Options button andlater change the setting in the Configuration Choice box, the changes that youmade to the resource values are overwritten by the default values for the newconfiguration choice. &OLFN 2. LQ WKH &RQILJXUDWLRQ 6HWWLQJV GLDORJ ER[ ZKHQ \RX KDYH ILQLVKHG VHOHFWLQJ UHVRXUFHV IRU WKH IXQFWLRQNOTE: After modifying the system configuration, you must turn off the system toinstall, remove, or change jumper settings on the non-Plug and Play ISA expansioncards to match the settings you selected in the ICU.$GGLQJDQ8QOLVWHG&DUGUnlisted cards are non-Plug and Play ISA expansion cards that do not have configura-tion files stored in the ICU database.NOTE: If you want to add a configuration file that you received on diskette with a newexpansion card, see “Adding a Listed Card” found earlier in this chapter.To add an unlisted card with the ICU, perform the following steps: 6WDUW WKH ,&8 DV GHVFULEHG LQ ´6WDUWLQJ WKH ,&8μ IRXQG HDUOLHU LQ WKLVFKDSWHU )URP WKH ,&8 ZLQGRZ FOLFN $GG RU VHOHFW $GG &DUG IURP WKH &RQILJXUHPHQX &OLFN WKH QDPH RI WKH FDWHJRU\ RI FDUG WKDW \RX ZDQW WR DGG ,I \RXFOLFNHG $GG LQ VWHS FOLFN 2.A dialog box appears, listing the names of all available cards of that type. 6HOHFW 8QOLVWHG &DUG IURP WKH ERWWRP RI WKH OLVW RI FDUGV GLVSOD\HG LQWKH GLDORJ ER[ WKDW DSSHDUV 7KHQ FOLFN 2. &OLFN 1R ZKHQ WKH ,&8 DVNV LI \RX KDYH D FRQILJXUDWLRQ ILOH IRU WKH FDUGThe Configure Unlisted Card dialog box appears with blank fields. (QWHU WKH QDPH RI WKH FDUG WKDW \RX ZDQW WR DGG LQ WKH &DUG 1DPH ILHOG )RU HDFK UHVRXUFH \RX ZDQW WR DVVLJQ WR WKH FDUG FOLFN WKH ER[ EHQHDWKWKH QDPH RI WKH UHVRXUFH WR EH DVVLJQHG DQG WKHQ FOLFN $GGFor example, if you click the box beneath IRQ, the button changes to Add Inter-rupt. When you click this button, a Specify dialog box (in this case, SpecifyInterrupt) appears. Figure 4-7 shows the Configure Unlisted Card dialog box withthe Specify Interrupt dialog box opened.23205BK0.BK : 23205C40.FM Page 9 Wednesday, March 18, 1998 1:51 PM