viá Keep your computer away from radiators and heat sources. Also, do not blockcooling vents. Avoid placing loose papers underneath your computer, and do notplace your computer in a closed-in wall unit or on a bed, sofa, or rug.(UJRQRPLF&RPSXWLQJ+DELWV:$51,1* ,PSURSHU RU SURORQJHG NH\ERDUG XVH PD\ UHVXOW LQ LQMXU\For comfort and efficiency, observe the following ergonomic guidelines when settingup and using your computer system:á Position your system so that the monitor and keyboard are directly in front of youas you work. Special shelves are available (from Dell and other sources) to helpyou correctly position your keyboard.á Set the monitor at a comfortable viewing distance (usually 510 to 610 millimeters[20 to 24 inches] from your eyes).á Make sure the monitor screen is at eye level or slightly lower when you are sittingin front of the monitor.á Adjust the tilt of the monitor, its contrast and brightness settings, and the lightingaround you (such as overhead lights, desk lamps, and the curtains or blinds onnearby windows) to minimize reflections and glare on the monitor screen.á Use a chair that provides good lower back support.á Keep your forearms horizontal with your wrists in a neutral, comfortable positionwhile using the keyboard or mouse.á Always leave space to rest your hands while using the keyboard or mouse.á Let your upper arms hang naturally at your sides.á Sit erect, with your feet resting on the floor and your thighs level.á When sitting, make sure the weight of your legs is on your feet and not on thefront of your chair seat. Adjust your chair’s height or use a footrest, if necessary,to maintain proper posture.á Vary your work activities. Try to organize your work so that you do not have totype for extended periods of time. When you stop typing, try to do things thatuse both hands.23205BK0.BK : 23205SI0.FM Page vi Wednesday, March 18, 1998 1:51 PM