Using the Integrated Audio Controller 6-3NOTES: The integrated audio controller allows you to manipulate musical instrumentdigital interface (MIDI) files on your computer and to hear output from those files onexternal speakers. However, to communicate with an external MIDI device, such as asynthesizer or other musical instrument, you must install a MIDI-compatible expan-sion card. (For instructions, see “Installing an Expansion Card” in Chapter 9.) If youuse a MIDI card, set Sound in the System Setup program to Off. (See Chapter 3,“Using the System Setup Program,” for information on changing System Setupsettings.)To use a joystick, install a joystick-compatible expansion card in your computer. (Forinstructions, see “Installing an Expansion Card” in Chapter 9.) If you use a joystickcard with sound capabilities, set Sound in the System Setup program to Off. (SeeChapter 3, “Using the System Setup Program,” for information on changing SystemSetup settings.)$GMXVWLQJ9ROXPHUse the instructions in one of the following subsections to adjust the speaker balanceand volume of an audio source that uses the integrated audio controller in your Dellcomputer.$GMXVWLQJ9ROXPHLQ:LQGRZVUse the following procedure to adjust the speaker or headphone volume in the Win-dows 95 operating system: &OLFN WKH 6WDUW EXWWRQ SRLQW WR 6HWWLQJV DQG FOLFN &RQWURO 3DQHO 'RXEOHFOLFN WKH 0XOWLPHGLD LFRQ &OLFN WKH $XGLR WDE DQG PRYH WKH VOLGH VZLWFK IRU SOD\EDFN RU UHFRUGLQJ WR WKH GHVLUHG YROXPHFor detailed instructions on adjusting the volume, see your Windows 95documentation.$GMXVWLQJ9ROXPHLQ:LQGRZV17Use the following procedure to adjust the speaker or headphone volume in the Win-dows NT 4.0 operating system: 6WDUW WKH $XGLR 0L[HU XWLOLW\ ORFDWHG LQ WKH $XGLR &RQWURO SURJUDPIROGHU $GMXVW WKH VOLGH FRQWUROV ODEHOHG ´0DVWHUμ WR DGMXVW WKH YROXPH DQGEDODQFH IRU DOO GHYLFHV RU DGMXVW WKH VOLGH FRQWUROV IRU DQ LQGLYLGXDOGHYLFHFor detailed instructions on adjusting the volume, see your Windows NTdocumentation.23205BK0.BK : 23205C60.FM Page 3 Wednesday, March 18, 1998 1:51 PM