Using the ISA Configuration Utility 4-13NOTE: After modifying the system configuration, you must turn off the system toinstall, remove, or change jumper settings on the non-Plug and Play ISA expansioncards to match the settings you selected in the ICU.5HPRYLQJD&DUGBefore you remove a non-Plug and Play ISA expansion card from your computer, youmust use the ICU to remove the card from the system configuration.NOTE: When you remove a Plug and Play or PCI expansion card from your computer,you do not need to run the ICU. To remove a Plug and Play or PCI expansion card,complete steps 2 through 8 in “Removing an Expansion Card” in Chapter 9.Use the following procedure to remove a non-Plug and Play ISA expansion card fromyour computer: 6WDUW WKH ,&8 DV GHVFULEHG LQ ´6WDUWLQJ WKH ,&8μ IRXQG HDUOLHU LQ WKLVFKDSWHU 6HOHFW WKH FDUG IURP WKH FXUUHQW V\VWHP FRQILJXUDWLRQ OLVW LQ WKH ,&8ZLQGRZ 6HOHFW 5HPRYH &DUG IURP WKH &RQILJXUDWLRQ PHQX RU FOLFN 5HPRYHThe ICU requests verification that you want to remove the card. &OLFN FDUG·V QDPH IURP WKH OLVW RI DFWLYH FDUGV RU FOLFN 1R WR FDQFHO WKHRSHUDWLRQThe ICU returns to the ICU window.&$87,21 $IWHU UHPRYLQJ D FDUG IURP WKH V\VWHP FRQILJXUDWLRQ XVLQJWKH ,&8 \RX PXVW WXUQ RII WKH V\VWHP DQG SK\VLFDOO\ UHPRYH WKH FDUG)DLOXUH WR GR VR FDQ GDPDJH \RXU V\VWHP 5HPRYH WKH QRQ3OXJ DQG 3OD\ ,6$ H[SDQVLRQ FDUG IURP WKH FRPSXWHUSee “Removing an Expansion Card” in Chapter 9 for instructions.9LHZLQJ5HVRXUFHVThe ICU displays all resources currently used by your system.To view all system resources, select System Resources from the View menu or clickView. The System Resource Usage dialog box (see Figure 4-10) displays all resourcescurrently used by the system.23205BK0.BK : 23205C40.FM Page 13 Wednesday, March 18, 1998 1:51 PM