Hardware Configuration Features B-1$ 3 3 ( 1 ' , ; %+DUGZDUH&RQILJXUDWLRQ)HDWXUHVThis appendix provides specific information about the jumpers on your system boardand the input/output (I/O) ports and connectors on the back panel of your computer. Italso provides some basic information on jumpers and switches, a listing of interruptrequest (IRQ) assignments, and memory maps.-XPSHUVDQG6ZLWFKHV≥$*HQHUDO([SODQDWLRQJumpers and switches provide a convenient and reversible way of reconfiguring thecircuitry on a printed circuit board. When reconfiguring your system, you may need tochange jumper settings on your system board; you may also need to change jumperand/or switch settings on expansion cards or drives.-XPSHUVJumpers are small blocks on a circuit board with two or more pins emerging fromthem. Plastic plugs containing a wire fit down over the pins. The wire connects thepins and creates a circuit.To change a jumper setting, pull the plug off its pin(s) and carefully fit it down onto thepin(s) indicated.&$87,21 0DNH VXUH \RXU V\VWHP LV WXUQHG RII EHIRUH \RX FKDQJH D MXPSHUVHWWLQJ 2WKHUZLVH GDPDJH WR \RXU V\VWHP RU XQSUHGLFWDEOH UHVXOWV PD\RFFXU23205BK0.BK : 23205AB0.FM Page 1 Wednesday, March 18, 1998 1:51 PM