80 System SetupHDD AcousticModeOptimizes the drive’s performance and acoustic levels.• Bypass - do nothing (needed for older drives)• Quiet - slower, but quieter• Suggested - allows the drive manufacturer to select mode• Performance - faster, but noisier.Snoop Filter Enabling the snoop filter typically improves performanceby reducing snoop traffic on the frontside bus in dualprocessor configurations.ACL Prefetch When enabled, the Adjacent Cache Line Prefetcherfetches both cache lines that comprise a cache line pairwhen it determines required data is not currently in itscache. When disabled, the processor will only fetch thecache line required by the processor.HW Prefetch Fetches an extra line of data into L2 from externalmemory.FSBOptimizationAllows users to turn on/off optimization for high-bandwidth, Front-Side bus applications.SecurityUnlock SetupLockeddefault)When an administrator password is being used, allows theuser access to modify system setup settings. Enter theadministrator password at the prompt to unlock system setup.If the correct password is not entered here, the user can viewbut not modify system setup fields.AdminPassword(Not Setdefault)Displays the current status of your system setup program’spassword security feature and allows you to verify and assign anew admin password.SystemPassword(Not Setdefault)Displays the current status of the system's password securityfeature and allows a new system password to be assigned andverified.