Solving Problems 39Error messages appearE-Mail ProblemsIf Your Computer Gets WetCAUTION: Perform this procedure only after you are certain thatit is safe to do so. If the computer is connected to an electricaloutlet, Dell recommends that you turn off AC power at the circuitbreaker before attempting to remove the power cables from theelectrical outlet. Use the utmost caution when removing wetcables from a live power source.1 Turn off the computer (see page 20), disconnect the AC adapter fromthe computer, and then disconnect the AC adapter from the electricaloutlet.2 Turn off any attached external devices, and disconnect them fromtheir power sources and then from the computer.3 Ground yourself by touching one of the metal connectors on the backof the computer.4 Remove any installed PC Cards, and put them in a safe place to dry.5 Remove the battery.6 Wipe off the battery and put it in a safe place to dry.RE V I E W "ER R O R ME S S A G E S " — Look up the message and take theappropriate action. See the software documentation.EN S U R E T H A T Y O U A R E C O N N E C T E D T O T H E IN T E R N E T — With theOutlook Express e-mail program open, click File. If Work Offline has a checkmark next to it, click the check mark to remove it and connect to the Internet.BE S U R E T H A T Y O U H A V E S U B S C R I B E D T O A N IN T E R N E T S E R V I C EP R O V I D E R — Contact an Internet service provider to subscribe.CO N T A C T Y O U R IN T E R N E T S E R V I C E P R O V I D E R — Contact your Internetservice provider for assistance.