Finding Information 11Finding InformationNOTE: Some features or media may be optional and may not ship with your computer. Some features or media maynot be available in certain countries.NOTE: Additional information may ship with your computer.What Are You Looking For? Find It Here• A diagnostic program for my computer• Drivers for my computer• Notebook System Software (NSS)Drivers and Utilities Media (CD/DVD)The Drivers and Utilities disc contains drivers that wereinstalled during assembly of the computer. Use the Driversand Utilities disc to load any required drivers, includingdrivers required if your computer has a RAID controller(see "Reinstalling Drivers and Utilities" on page 120). Youcan also use this disc to run the Dell™ Diagnostics (see"Dell Diagnostics" on page 87).Readme files may beincluded on your disc toprovide last-minuteupdates about technicalchanges to your computeror advanced technical-reference material fortechnicians or experiencedusers.NOTE: Drivers and documentation updates can be found• Warranty information• Terms and Conditions (U.S. only)• Safety instructions• Regulatory information• Ergonomics information• End User License AgreementDell Product Information Guide