About Your Computer 17M O U S E — Wireless mouse. For more information, see "Using the Keyboard and Mouse" on page 27.M E D I A C O N T R O L B U T T O N S — Control playback of media.Press to open or close the optical drive. If media is present in the closeddrive, pressing this button will open the drive and eject the media.Press once to go back to the start of the current playing track/chapter.Press multiple times to skip back to previous track/chapters. Press andhold to rewind within the current track/chapter.Press to stop media playback.Press once to skip forward one track/chapter. Press multiple times to skipforward multiple tracks/chapters. Press and hold to fast-forward within thecurrent track/chapter.Press to either play or pause the media.Press to turn off the volume of audio output from internal or externalspeakers.