128Advanced Setup – Part 24 Press the CURSOR FF or GG button to set thedistance between the center speaker andlistening position.Example: When the distance is set to 10 feet for thecenter speakerThe distance changes in units of 1 foot (0.1 meters) or0.1 foot (0.01 meters) each time the button is pressed.Select the value closest to the measured distance.When “Step” is selected, you can select the unit of “1ft (0.1 m)” or “0.1 ft (0.01 m)”.When “Default Yes” is selected, then press theCURSOR FF button to reset to the default values.Please note that the difference of distance for everyspeaker should be 20 ft (6.0 m) or less. If you set aninvalid distance, a CAUTION notice, such as screenright will appear. In this case, please relocate theblinking speaker(s) so that its distance is no largerthan the value shown in highlighted line.5 Press the ENTER button to enter the setting.• The “Speaker Setup” menu reappears.The AVR-4806CI automatically sets the optimumsurround delay time for the listening room.Setting the Channel Level• Use this setting to adjust so that the playback level betweenthe different channels is equal.• From the listening position, listen to the test tones producedfrom the speakers to adjust the level.• The level of each channel should be adjusted to 75 dB (C-weighted, slow meter mode) on a sound level meter at thelistening position.If a sound level meter is not available adjust the channels byear so the sound levels are the same. Because adjusting thesubwoofer level test tone by ear is difficult, use a wellknown music selection and adjust for natural balance.1 Press the CURSOR DD or HH button to select“Channel Level” at the “Speaker Setup”menu, then press the ENTER button.• Display the “Channel Level” screen.2 Press the CURSOR FF or GG button to select“Auto” or “Manual”.Auto:Adjust the level while listening to the test tonesproduced automatically from each speaker.Test tones are automatically emitted from eachspeaker.Example: When the “Auto” mode is selectedManual:Select the speaker from which you want toproduce the test tone to adjust the level.