145Additional InformationSpeaker setting examplesHere we describe a number of speaker settings for differentpurposes. Use these examples as guides to set up yoursystem according to the type of speakers used and the mainusage purpose.[1] For THX Surround EX systems(using surround back speakers)q Basic setting for primarily watching moviesThis is recommended when mainly playing movies andusing regular single way or 2-way speakers for the surroundspeakers.SubwooferSurround back speakersFront speakers45°MonitorCenter speaker[ As seen from above ]SurroundspeakersSurround speakerFront speaker60 to 90 cm[ As seen from the side ]Surround backspeakerPoint slightlydownwards• Set the front speakers with their front surfaces as flushwith the TV or monitor screen as possible. Set the centerspeaker between the front left and right speakers and nofurther from the listening position than the front speakers.• Consult the operating instructions for your subwoofer foradvice on placing the subwoofer within the listening room.• If the surround speakers are direct-radiating (monopolar)then place them slightly behind and at an angle to thelistening position and parallel to the walls at a position 60to 90 centimeters (2 to 3 feet) above ear level at the primelistening position.Surround back speakers[ As seen from above ]SurroundspeakersSurround speakerFront speaker60 to 90 cm[ As seen from the side ]Surround backspeakerPoint slightlydownwardsPath of the surround sound from thespeakers to the listening position• When using two surround back speakers, set them at theback facing front and with both speakers at the samedistance from the listening point. When using onesurround back speaker, place it at the rear center facing thefront at a slightly higher position (0 to 20 cm) than thesurround speakers.• We recommend installing the surround back speaker(s) ata slightly downward facing angle. This effectively preventsthe surround back channel signals from reflecting off themonitor or screen at the front center, resulting ininterference and making the sense of movement from thefront to the back less sharp.• Connect the surround speakers to the surround speaker Aterminals on the AVR-4806CI and set settings on the setupmenu to “A”. (This is the factory default setting ( page138).)w Setting for primarily watching movies usingdiffusion type speakers for the surroundspeakersFor the greatest sense of surround sound envelopment,diffuse radiation speakers such as bipolar types, or dipolar(THX) types, provide a wider dispersion than is possible toobtain from a direct radiating speaker (monopolar). Placethese speakers at either side of the prime listeningposition, mounted above ear level.