9Basic version Advanced version InformationENGLISH Simple versionSet up speakers (Audyssey® Auto Setup)STEP 1PreparationRemote control operationbuttonsMove the cursor(Up/Down/Left/Right) Confi rm the setting Return to previous menuSTEP 2Detection & Measurement(Main listening position)STEP 3Measurement(2nd – 8th listening position)7 ( $ ) !"#$%!&#$'(##)#*#*+!&#,"-% ##!*# )!%! "- !#!"#. $!.NOTEIf a connected speaker is not displayed, thespeaker may not be connected correctly. Checkthe speaker connection.8 * ui $ + , - ENTER• In STEP 3, you will perform measurements atmultiple positions (two to eight positions) otherthan the main listening position.• You can achieve a more effective correction ofdistortion within the listening area by performingmeasurements at multiple positions.9 . /' ui $ + -' ENTERThe measurement of the second positionstarts. Measurements can be made in up toeight positions. $.!."# / *01%2..!%"!#%#%"-% *3""-#""#44 .-#*"-"- $!.If you want to omit measurements from the nextposition onward, select “Next Calculation”.(Go to STEP4 Calculation )10 0 1' 23When measurement of position 8 iscompleted, a “Measurements fi nished.”message is displayed. $.!."##!*# /$.!."#2 $!. / *01%2)""%*4NOTEIf “Caution” is displayed:Go to “Error messages” (vpage 11), checkany related items, and perform the necessaryprocedures.When performing Audyssey AutoSetup over againPress ui to select “Retry”, and then press ENTER.When measuring has stoppedPress RETURN, to the “Cancel auto setup?” promptis displayed.Press o to select “Yes”, then press ENTER.Setting up the speakers againRepeat the operation from step 4 ofSTEP1 Preparation .• In STEP 2, you will perform measurements at themain listening position.• This step automatically checks the speakerconfiguration and speaker size, and calculates thechannel level, distance, and crossover frequency.It also corrects distortion in the listening area.6 4 $ + - ENTER !"#5/"2..!%"!#%#%"-%"3""-#""#44 .-#*"-"- $!.q Measure the subwoofer level• To stop measuring, select “Cancel” and thenpress ENTER.• When “Subwoofer” is set to “Skip” with“Channel Select”, this measurement is nottaken, and the process proceeds to “wMeasure each speaker”.w Measure each speaker• Once the measurements in step q arecomplete, the measurements in step w startautomatically.• The measuring channel changes dependingon the setting of “Set up “Amp Assign””(vpage 63) and “Set up “Channel Select””(vpage 64).• Measurement requires several minutes.4 4"*& ( "- #$%..! "#$#!% *.!%!!#*"-VQVJG!#*"#"%.6%)#..#("-"3)!4# $!.When the setup microphone isconnected, the following screen isdisplayed.This screen provides the method for settingup 7.1-channel playback using surround backspeakers. For the method of setting up speakersother than the 7.1-channel system, select “AmpAssign” and perform step 3 and 7 of “Set up“Amp Assign”” (vpage 63).If unused channels are set with “Channel Select”,measuring time can be shortened. Also, set“Channel Select” to measure two subwoofers.For setting, perform steps 9 to 14 of “Set up“Channel Select”” (vpage 64).5 * ui $ +4 4 - ENTER