P age 4 I.B. 70A2580H02Effective November 2012SECTION 2: SAFE PRACTICES2-1 RECOMMENDATIONSType VCP-Wind Vacuum Circuit Breakers are equippedwith high speed, high energy operating mechanisms.They are designed with several built-in interlocks andsafety features to provide safe and proper operatingsequences. Cell interlocks used with drawout circuitbreakers are meant to interact with the appropriate cellinterface and levering mechanism.WARNINGTO PROTECT THE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATED WITHINSTALLATION, OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCEOF THESE CIRCUIT BREAKERS, THE FOLLOWINGPRACTICES MUST BE FOLLOWED:• Only qualified persons, as defined in the NationalElectrical Safety Code, who are familiar with theinstallation and maintenance of medium voltagecircuits and equipment, should be permitted to work onthese circuit breakers.• Read these instructions carefully before attempting anyinstallation, operation or maintenance of these circuitbreakers.• If the final breaker design is drawout, always removethe breaker from the enclosure before performing anymaintenance. Failure to do so could result in electricalshock leading to death, severe personal injury orproperty damage.• Do not work on a drawout circuit breaker with asecondary test coupler engaged. Failure to disconnectthe test coupler could result in an electrical shockleading to death, personal injury or property damage. Do not work on a closed circuit breaker or a breakerwith closing springs charged. The closing springsshould be discharged and the main circuit contactsopen before working on the circuit breaker. Failure todo so could result in cutting or crushing injuries. Do not use an open circuit breaker by itself as the solemeans of isolating a high voltage circuit. Remove thecircuit breaker to the TEST or DISCONNECT positionand follow all lock-out and tagging rules of the NationalElectrical Code and any other applicable codes,regulations and work rules.• Do not leave a drawout circuit breaker in anintermediate position in the cell. Always have thecircuit breaker either in the DISCONNECT, TESTor CONNECTED position. Failure to do so couldresult in a flash over and possible death, personalinjury or property damage.• Always remove the maintenance tool from thecircuit breaker after charging the closing springs.• Circuit breakers are equipped with safetyinterlocks. Do Not remove, interfere with or in anymanner defeat them. This may result in death,bodily injury or equipment damage.• Do not work on a circuit breaker suspended from alifting device or chains. Maintenance work shouldbe performed on a solid work surface, such as thefloor.