I.B. 70A2580H02 Page 1Effective November 2012SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION1-1 PRELIMINARY COMMENTS AND SAFETY PRE-CAUTIONSThis technical document is intended to cover mostaspects associated with the installation, application,operation and maintenance of the VCP-Wind VacuumCircuit Breakers. It is provided as a guide for authorizedand qualified personnel only. Please refer to the specificWARNING and CAUTION in Section 1-1.2 beforeproceeding. If further information is required by thepurchaser regarding a particular installation, applicationor maintenance activity, an Eaton representative shouldbe contacted.1-1.1 WARRANTY AND LIABILITYIN FORMATIONNO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY, ORWARRANTIES ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALINGOR USAGE OF TRADE, ARE MADE REGARDING THEINFORMATION, RECOMMENDATIONS ANDDESCRIPTIONS CONTAINED HEREIN. In no event willEaton be responsible to the purchaser or user incontract, in tort (including negligence), strict liability orotherwise for any special, indirect, incidental orconsequential damage or loss whatsoever, including butnot limited to damage or loss of use of equipment, plantor power system, cost of capital, loss of power, additionalexpenses in the use of existing power facilities, or claimsagainst the purchaser or user by its customers resultingfrom the use of the information and descriptionscontained herein.1-1.2 SAFETY PRECAUTIONSAll safety codes, safety standards and/or regulationsmust be strictly observed in the installation, operationand maintenance of this device.WARNINGTHE WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS INCLUDED ASPART OF THE PROCEDURAL STEPS IN THISDOCUMENT ARE FOR PERSONNEL SAFETY ANDPROTECTION OF EQUIPMENT FROM DAMAGE. ANEXAMPLE OF A TYPICAL WARNING LABEL HEAD-ING IS SHOWN ABOVE IN REVERSE TYPE TOFAMILIARIZE PERSONNEL WITH THE STYLE OFPRESENTATION. THIS WILL HELP TO INSURE THATPERSONNEL ARE ALERT TO WARNINGS, WHICHMAY APPEAR THROUGHOUT THE DOCUMENT. INADDITION, CAUTIONS ARE ALL UPPER CASE ANDBOLDFACE AS SHOWN BELOW.CAUTIONCOMPLETELY READ AND UNDERSTAND THEMATERIAL PRESENTED IN THIS DOCUMENTBEFORE ATTEMPTING INSTALLATION, OPERATIONOR APPLICATION OF THE EQUIPMENT. INADDITION, ONLY QUALIFIED PERSONS SHOULD BEPERMIT-TED TO PERFORM ANY WORKASSOCIATED WITH THE EQUIPMENT. ANY WIRINGINSTRUCTIONS PRESENTED IN THIS DOCUMENTMUST BE FOLLOWED PRECISELY. FAILURE TO DOSO COULD CAUSE PERMANENT EQUIPMENTDAMAGE.1-2 GENERAL INFORMATIONThe purpose of this book is to provide instructions forunpacking, storage, use, operation and maintenance ofType VCP-Wind Drawout 38kV Vacuum CircuitBreakers.. The Type VCP-Wind is a horizontal drawout,roll on the floor type removable interrupter element.Designed to IEEE Standards for reliable performance,ease of handling, and simplified maintenance, VCP-Windcircuit breakers provide reliable control and protection forelectrical equipment and circuits. In addition, thesetechnologically advanced circuit breakers provide higherinsulation levels in less space, thus reducing the overallswitchgear size.WARNINGSATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE OF THESEBREAKERS IS CONTINGENT UPON PROPERAPPLICATION, CORRECT INSTALLATION ANDADEQUATE MAINTENANCE. THIS INSTRUCTIONBOOK MUST BE CAREFULLY READ ANDFOLLOWED IN ORDER TO OBTAIN OPTIMUMPERFORMANCE FOR LONG USEFUL LIFE OF THECIRCUIT BREAKERS.EQUIPMENT TO FAIL, RESULTING IN DEATH,BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE.ALL SAFETY CODES, SAFETY STANDARDS AND/OR