Page 30 I.B. 70A2580H02Effective November 2012 Style70A2580H02Printed in USAIf desired, the DC resistance of the primary circuit may bemeasured as follows: close the circuit breaker, pass atleast 100 amps DC current through the circuit breaker.With a low resistance instrument, measure resistanceacross the studs on the circuit breaker for each pole(Figure 6-2).The resistance should not exceed the valuesshown in Table 6.4.6-8 MECHANISM CHECKMake a careful visual inspection of the mechanism forany loose parts such as bolts, nuts, pins and rings.Check for excessive wear or damage to the circuitbreaker components. Operate the circuit breaker sever-al times manually and electrically. Check the closing andopening times to verify that they are in accordance withthe limits in Table 5.1.6-8.1 CLOSURE™ TESTIntroduction: The CloSureTM Test is a simple yetextremely effective means to determine and monitor theability of the mechanism to close the breaker contactsfully. It provides a quantitative measure of the extra energyavailable in terms of over travel in inches to close thebreaker contacts to their full extent. It may be usedperiodically to monitor the health of the mechanism.At times, circuit breakers are called upon to operate MOCswitches (mechanism operated control switches) thatplace extra load upon the closing mechanism of the circuitbreaker. If this load is excessive, it can prevent the circuitbreaker from closing fully. In such a case, it is important todetermine that the circuit breaker will close fully. TheCloSureTM Test provides this assurance.General Information: The CloSureTM Test can be per-formed on the VCP-Wind, lines of vacuum circuit breakersRefer to Table 6.3 for a list of circuit breakers. If theCloSureTM travel obtained is as specified, the mechanismperformance is satisfactory. If the CloSureTM travel doesnot conform as shown in Figure 6-16, contact Eaton forfurther information. (See Step 13).WARNINGDO NOT ATTEMPT TO INSTALL OR PERFORMMAINTENANCE OR TESTS ON THE EQUIPMENTWHILE IT IS ENERGIZED. NEVER PUT YOUR HANDSNEAR THE MECHANISM WHEN THE CIRCUITBREAKER IS IN THE CHARGED OR CLOSEDPOSITION. DEATH OR SEVERE PERSONAL INJURYCAN RESULT FROM CONTACT WITH ENERGIZEDEQUIPMENT. ALWAYS VERIFYTHAT NO VOLTAGE IS PRESENT BEFOREPROCEEDINGNO VOLTAGE IS PRESENT BEFOREPROCEEDING WITH THE TASK, AND ALWAYSFOLLOW GENERALLY ACCEPTED SAFETYPROCEDURES.Safety Precautions: Read and understand theseinstructions before attempting any maintenance, repairor testing on the breaker. The user is cautioned toobserve all recommendations, warnings and cautionsrelating to the safety of personnel and equipment.Figure 6-3 Status Indicators ( “ A ” shows thecontact status indication and “ B ” shows the springindication.)Figure 6-5 Wrapping Tape Up Around Cam