Page 12 I.B. 70A2580H02Effective November 2012CAUTIONBEFORE INSERTING THE CIRCUIT BREAKEREXAMINE THE INSIDE OF THE CELL STRUCTUREFOR EXCESSIVE DIRT OR ANYTHING THAT MIGHTINTERFERE WITH THE CIRCUIT BREAKERMOVEMENT.WARNINGEXTREME CAUTION MUST BE EXERCISED TOINSURE THAT PRIMARY CIRCUITS ARE NOTENERGIZED WHILE CHECKS ARE PERFORMED INTHE CIRCUIT BREAKER COMPARTMENT. FAILURETO DO SO MAY RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY ORDEATH.The circuit breaker is normally tested electrically in its cellstructure in the TEST position. To achieve the TESTposition, the circuit breaker must first be placed in the cellstructure and the secondary contacts engaged. Tocomplete this testing procedure, the operator should firstbe familiar with inserting and removing the circuit breakerinto and from the cell structure.WARNINGDO NOT PULL ON OR USE THE MAIN (PRIMARY)CONDUCTORS AND OR THE PRIMARYDISCONNECTS TO MANEUVER THE CIRCUITBREAKER IN ANY FASHION. FAILURE TO COMPLYWITH THIS CAUTION COULD RESULT INSIGNIFICANT EQUIPMENT DAMAGE.4-8.1 CIRCUIT BREAKER INSERTION ANDREMOVALThe drawout VCP-Wind circuit breaker is designed to bein one of three different positions within the structure withthe door closed, DISCONNECT, TEST and CONNECT.While in the structure, the circuit breaker should never beallowed to remain at an intermediate position betweenthe TEST and CONNECT positions.a) DISCONNECT POSITION: (See Figure 4-4)Position the circuit breaker squarely in front of thestructure. Integrally mounted wheels facilitate circuitbreaker movement outside of and into the structure.Once the side mounted circuit breaker alignment rollersare aligned with the structure mounted alignment rails,pull the shoot bolt handles in to retract the pins on theside of the breaker. Then push the breaker into thestructure until the pins line up with the first set of slots inthe alignment rail blocks.b) TEST POSITION: (See Figure 4-5)Pull the shoot bolt handles in, which will remove theretractable pins from the first set of slots in thestructure alignment rail blocks and then push thecircuit breaker in until the pins line up with the secondset of slots. Then release the shoot bolt handlesmaking sure handles return back to their outer mostposition. If handles are not in outer most position thebreaker will not be able to be levered.Once in the TEST position secondary contacts haveautomatically engaged and the circuit breaker floorwheels should be lifted off the floor approximately1/8”.c) CONNECT POSITION: (See Figure 4-6)To move the circuit breaker from the TEST toCONNECT position the breaker must be open, it cannot be levered between TEST & CONNECT positionsif the breaker is closed), engage the levering crankwith the circuit breaker mounted levering shaft andbegin turning the handle in a clockwise direction.Structure mounted positive guidance rails interfacewith the circuit breaker alignment rollers to insureproper primary and secondary connections.NOTICEThe circuit breaker includes all necessaryinterlocks that when interfaced with a compatiblestructure will render the circuit breakermechanism mechanically and electrically trip-free during the levering process into or out of thestructure. For detailed information pertaining toindividual circuit breaker interlocks,refer to Paragraph 4-9 in this section.When the circuit breaker reaches the CONNECTposition, it will become impossible to continue turningthe levering crank in the clockwise direction. Whenusing the levering crank, the torque limiter will slip toprevent damage to the circuit breaker.To remove the circuit breaker from the structure,reverse the procedure just described by turning thelevering crank in a counterclockwise direction. Keepin mind that you can not remove a breaker from theCONNECT position if it is closed.