I.B. 70A2580H02 Page 5Effective November 2012SECTION 3: RECEIVING, HANDLING ANDSTORAGE3-1 GENERALType VCP-Wind Vacuum Circuit Breakers aresubjected to complete factory production tests inaccordance with ANSI C37.09 and inspection beforebeing packed. They are shipped in packages designedto provide maximum protection to the equipment duringshipment and storage and at the same time to provideconvenient handling. Tools and accessories, such asthe maintenance tool, are shipped separately.3-2 RECEIVINGIf the circuit breaker is not to be used immediately but isto be placed in storage, maximum protection can beobtained by keeping it packed as shipped.Upon receipt of the equipment, inspect the containersfor any signs of damage or rough handling. Open thecontainers carefully to avoid any damage to the con-tents. Use a nail puller rather than a crow bar whenrequired. When opening the containers, be careful tosave any loose items or hardware that may be other-wise discarded with the packing material. Check thecontents of each package against the packing list.Examine the circuit breaker for any signs of shippingdamage such as broken, missing or loose hardware,damaged or deformed insulation and other components.File claims immediately with the carrier if damage or lossis detected and notify the nearest Eaton Office.NOTICEThe VCP-Wind 38kV shipping container and palletwere specifically designed to facilitate removal ofthe circuit breaker from its pallet and container.Before proceeding, installation personnel should befamiliar with the procedures outlined in Paragraph 3-3 entitled “Handling.”3-3 HANDLINGWARNINGDO NOT USE ANY LIFTING DEVICE AS A PLAT-FORM FOR PERFORMING MAINTENANCE, REPAIROR ADJUSTMENT OF THE CIRCUIT BREAKER ORFOR OPENING, CLOSING THE CONTACTS ORCHARGING THE SPRINGS. THE CIRCUIT BREAKERMAY SLIP OR FALL CAUSING SEVERE PERSONALINJURY. ALWAYS PERFORM MAINTENANCE,REPAIR AND ADJUSTMENTS ON A SOLID WORKSURFACE CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING THECIRCUIT BREAKER.WARNINGAFTER REMOVING THE BRACKETS USED TOHOLD THE CIRCUIT BREAKER SECURELY TOTHE SHIPPING SKID AND ALL DURING THEPROCESS OF MOVING THE CIRCUIT BREAKEROFF OF THE SHIPPING SKID, TAKE SPECIALPRECAUTIONS TO INSURE THAT THE CIRCUITBREAKER IS MOVED SLOWLY AND UNDERCONTROL TO AVOID ANY ACCIDENTS. THECIRCUIT BREAKER IS A LARGE DEVICE WHICHCOULD CAUSE SERIOUS BODILY INJURY IF IT ISTIPPED OVER OR PERMITTED TO MOVE IN ANUNCONTROLLED MANNER.CAUTIONDO NOT PULL ON OR USE THE MAIN (PRIMARY)CONDUCTORS AND OR THE PRIMARYDISCONNECTS TO MANEUVER THE CIRCUITBREAKER IN ANY FASHION. FAILURE TOCOMPLY WITH THIS CAUTION COULD RESULTIN SIGNIFICANT EQUIPMENT DAMAGE.WARNINGTHE SUPPLIED LIFTING BAR MUST BE REMOVEDBEFORE THE CIRCUIT BREAKER IS INSTALLEDINTO ANY STRUCTURE OR PERFORMING ANYHIGH VOLTAGE TESTING. FIGURE 3-1