Eaton 93PM Integrated Battery Cabinet-Small (IBC-S) Installation Manual 164000305—Rev 06 311..22 OOppttiioonnaall TThheerrmmaall SSeennssoorrThermal runaway protection for VRLA batteries can be provided by installing an optional thermal sensor insidethe battery cabinet.The sensor is wired to an UPS building alarm programmed to turn the charger off when a trip signal is received.The thermal sensor will maintain the trip state until the temperature it is reset by service. Service should becalled to inspect the batteries and reset the sensor in case of such an event.11..33 MMooddeell CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonnssThe following model configurations are available:• 93PM Integrated Battery Cabinet-Small– Line-up-and-match, top entry, or bottom entry standalone– Contains two or three battery strings to be used with 93PM UPS systems.– Available NPX-80RFR batteries– Up to four IBCs can be paralleled with a 93PM 50 kW or 100 kW UPS to extend the run time11..44 UUssiinngg TThhiiss MMaannuuaallThis manual describes how to install the IBC and is divided into chapters. Read and understand the proceduresdescribed to ensure trouble-free installation and operation.Read through each procedure before beginning the procedure. Perform only those procedures that apply to theUPS system being installed or operated.Specifications listed in this manual are subject to change.11..55 CCoonnvveennttiioonnss UUsseedd iinn TThhiiss MMaannuuaallThis manual uses these type conventions:• Bold type highlights important concepts in discussions, key terms in procedures, and menu options, orrepresents a command or option that you type or enter at a prompt.• Italic type highlights notes and new terms where they are defined.• Screen type represents information that appears on the screen or LCD.Icon DescriptionNote Information notes call attention to important features or instructions.[Keys] Brackets are used when referring to a specific key, such as [Enter] or [Ctrl].In this manual, the term UPS refers only to the UPS cabinet and its internal elements. The term UPS systemrefers to the entire power protection system – the UPS cabinet, an external battery system, and options oraccessories installed.The term line-up-and-match refers to accessory cabinets that are physically located adjacent to the UPS. Theterm standalone refers to accessory cabinets that are located separate from the UPS.Left and right side notations are referenced standing in front of the cabinet.Introduction